Saving Anti

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1st POV- Jackaboy

Everybody was crying a kicking and screaming now. Dark was a full blown child and I'm not sure he even slightly remembered anything from being an adult.

Schneep was still screaming and crying in German, and Chase had woken up with little memory of anything. We had to fix this. And fast.

I looked to S34N, who was currently trying to comfort Chase, and Jack was trying to calm Schneep down.

Robbie and JJ were still trying to sleep, and Marvin was sitting in a corner of the trunk with his hands over his ears and rocking himself. It was too loud in here...

I could tell everybody was hungry, but none of us would say it because none of us had food.

Suddenly, I heard something. I shushed everybody and covered Dark's mouth, straining to hear. It was Oscar. He was talking to himself, but he kept saying Anti's name.

I glanced at S34N, who's eyes were bright blue as he tried to make out what he was saying. When the car stopped, as did the voice.

I sighed, uncovering Dark's mouth, who screamed even louder. There was the sound of a car door slamming, followed by footsteps to the trunk.

I quickly stuffed Dark's thumb into his mouth, and he began to calm down more. The trunk opened, and Oscar looked rather happy when he ordered us all out.

I struggled to carry Dark, even if he was a lot younger than me. I was losing my superstrength.

Oscar lead us inside a house. When we got inside, Dark began to wail again.

Oscar grabbed him from me, which startled Dark some, and slapped him across the face, threatening, "If you don't stop crying and screaming, I'll hit you again!"

Dark immediately stopped, looking terrified as he reached for me again. Oscar handed him to me, Dark trying to hide while clinging to me desperately.

Everybody stayed quiet as Oscar walked over to a computer, sticking a USB in.

He typed some things in, before there was a screen of glitches on the computer followed by a thudding sound of hitting glass and a muffled voice.

He grinned and pressed another button, the voice no longer muffled, "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

My eyes widened, "That's Anti!"

Oscar nodded, smiling, "Yep, it is. Have fun talking to him. I'm going out to get me some things. And don't even think about escaping."

Oscar grinned as he held up another remote, pressing a button. All of the walls, ceiling, windows, and doors were covered in a red wall of sorts.

I punched it. Not even a crack. We can't get through this. Oscar smiled, pressing it again and it vanished. He slipped through the front door, waving goodbye before the walls appeared again and he was driving away.

We all glanced at each other before running to the computer, all of us talking at the same time. Anti stopped us all, "GUYS! Stop talking, alright?"

Everybody who was talking silenced themselves. Anti's voice popped up again, "Jackaboy. You first. Explain."

I quickly explained everything that happened when he was in the USB. S34N stepped up, beggining to type.

Anti's voice appeared once more, "Well this is just... Great."

I nodded, Jack interjecting, "S34N? What are you doing?"

S34N glanced towards Jack, "I'm breaking him out of his walls of code."

I blinked, "How?"

"By wiping the computer."

1st POV- Anti

I heard S34N's words, my eyes widening as I began running as fast as I could away from the giant waves of coding numbers that was trying to collapse over me.

I dodged files flowing into the path of destruction. I could see glitches suffocating everything. And I saw that I was next in line.

I raced towards the exit, seeing a door labeled as...well... "EXIT". I prayed to god this wasn't a scam door, as I kicked it open and ran through, slamming it closed.

And then... I blacked out.

1st POV- Jackaboy

I yelped as a glitchy body formed on the ground, unconscious. Dark pointed at the body, gurgling something in his baby language.

We crawled over to Anti, S34N speaking, "We need to help him so he can help us."

I set Dark on the ground, grabbing Anti's arm and dragging him to the couch that was there, lifting him onto it.

JJ and Robbie crawled over, carrying a blanket they'd somehow found and trying to lay it over Anti. Schneep still had the piece of Anti's shirt from before, and he, Marvin, and Jack all went into the kitchen to get things for Anti.

I went back to Dark, who was just watching everybody in confusion. S34N glanced over, now back at the computer, "Jackaboy, I could use your help."

I nodded, looking around and seeing Chase sitting on the ground patiently. I went over to him, passing Dark off. Chase opened his mouth to speak, but only some form of baby talk came out.

I patted his shoulder gently, "It's alright, Chase. We will be alright."

I went back to S34N, who seemed smaller than before. I sat next to him on the seat. S34N looked at the screen, "Jackaboy... I don know what this says..."

I glanced at him, "What?"

S34N looked to the ground, "I can't read anymore..."

I frowned, "This is bad..."

S34N nodded, "Uh huh... I was affected slower than some, like Chase, because I'm partly computer... I guess... But now..."

I sighed, looking to the computer, "Uh... It says that the file was corrupted."

S34N crossed his arms, "What? That doesn't make any sense, JBM."

I shrugged, "I'm just reading what it says, S34N."

He sighed, dropping off the chair and crawling away, "Thanks anyways..."

I flew down from the chair, walking over to Anti's body, where everybody was just sitting around. Anti was breathing slowly, and he wasn't waking up soon.

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