Testing? One, Two, Three.

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1st POV- Damien

I blinked, expecting the dark abyss myself and Celine shared, but was met with bright lights and a glass box of sorts around me.

"Celine?" I called out, scooting back until I reached the wall of the box.

"Yes!" I heard somebody yell, "It worked! Taylor, it worked!"

I looked toward the voice. Oscar, the man who had put us in it. I stood shakily, walking forward and pounding on the glass.

"Damien!" Celine's voice was beside me.

I looked over to her and saw her staring at the cell between ours. I followed her gaze and gasped.

A tiny child, wearing a suit was looking around with confusion.

I swallowed, "Dark?"

Dark looked up, giggling happily and waving at me. Memories, Dark's memories, came flooding back to me. I looked back over to Oscar.

"What have you done?!" I demanded.

"You're Damien!" Oscar grinned, clapping.

I growled low, "What. Did. You. Do?!"

"I'm a scientist. I got curious what would happen if I turned Dark into a child. I figured you two would come out." Oscar explained.

I punched the glass hard, a blue aura surrounding my body, but quickly dissapearing.

I shook my hand, hoping it would return, but it didn't. Celine seemed to have the same problem.

"I'm very sorry about doing this, Damien. I'd heard of Mark's channel a while back, and watched a few videos. Darkiplier was intriguing to me and I couldn't help but to notice how real it seemed, too real. I watched WKM, and it had a huge explanations." Oscar began.

"And so he sent me out to go looking around LA for Mark," Taylor continued, walking out of a room that the others were now trapped in, unaware to what was happening.

"Yes. But we couldn't find him. But somehow we were lead straight to you four. Plus Antisepticeye as a child. A bonus!" Oscar finished.

A scream came from the other room, and Celine hissed, "What're you doing to them?!"

"Tear gas. They should be out by now." Taylor smiled, and walked into the room, grabbing a knocked out Anti and bringing him back to us.

Dark crawled forward, speaking baby gibberish to the green-haired toddler.

"Why do you need him?" Celine wondered.

"His glitches, they can help us hack into our rivals. We can reach maximum power this way, I mean, sure it sounds cliche, but we can help people see the world better... our way." Oscar clapped his hands.

"And how did turning Dark into a child and splitting us up help that?" I crossed by arms.

"Dark is part demon," Oscar rolled his eyes as if it was obvious, "We can harness his energy and transfer it into ourselves."

"I was expecting an evil laugh." I muttered.

Celine interrupted, ignoring my statement, "Anti is a child, he won't willingly give up his powers. Plus, at this rate, he may not have them anymore."

"Oh, we won't have to worry about that." Oscar walked up to Dark's cell, opening it and taking him out.

Taylor replaced his spot by Anti, taking Dark from her brother's arms.

"What are you going to do?!" I demanded.

"We're turning him older, what else would we be doing?" Oscar grinned, pressing a few buttons on a panel.

A second later, a bright light was coming from Anti's cell. When in cleared, an adult Anti was sitting there, rubbing his head.

Luckily, he was clothed. He was glitching crazily, going from corner to corner.

He stilled after a moment, looking over to me and tilting his head, "Dark?"

Suddenly, he covered his ears, screaming in pain as he glitched onto the wall, falling onto the ground.

"Anti. Nice to meet you." Oscar said, pulling a lever.

Anti hissed something under his breath, before seeing the baby in Taylor's arms.

"You didn't-" Anti was cut off by his glitches, shaking after he glitched multiple times.

"I'm sorry we have to do this." Oscar apologized, not a hint of guilt in his voice.

Anti suddenly screamed in pain once more, this time the highest and worst he'd done.

Anti collapsed to the ground, curling into a ball and shaking, covering his ears with his hands.

Tears fell from his eyes after a moment, "P-please... make it stop."

Oscar smiled, "Then you will help us?"

Anti reached up to his neck, feeling the blood, before nodding, "Just please... make it stop."

"Good!" Oscar clapped his hands together once more, letting go of the lever.

Taylor cautiously made her way to the cell, opening it. To everyone's surprise, Anti didn't immediately lunge at her.

He sat up slowly. Taylor handed Dark to him, and he took the infant.

"Now. Let the fun begin."

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