house [pt. 3]

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real life

Finn woke up with a sore feeling on the left side of his neck, his eyes took a few adjustments to the very bright light that came from a window on his left,

I thought my window was on the right?

He gained vision and stability after feeling the weight pressed on his chest, it was Maya.

He smiled to himself before his eyes went wide as his breathing felt heavier.

Shit. Shit. Fuck. I didn't call my Mom last night.

"You did." Maya said with closed eyes, not even seeing his face. Her voice vibrated against his chest as Finn felt his stomach tingle.

"Uh, what?" He said with a morning, raspy voice.

"You called your Mom." She said.

"How'd you- What the fuck-"

"Either you were worrying about not letting your Mom know you're here, or you're just really anxious seeing me right after you wake up." She said as if she was Sherlock Holmes and it was all easy for her to figure out.

And Finn didn't know which answer it really was.

"Sorry, I'm being petty." Maya sat up from the "cuddling." position the two of them were in without knowing yesterday's events that lead to this.

She was pretty sure they slept in different positions away from each other, but how did they end up like that?

"No, it's uh.. it's okay.."

Finn "Uh." Wolfhard

Maya gave him a slight smile before getting out of the bed, she walked to the door before heading to the hallway.

He decided to get up too, being a guest and sleeping in her bed, that was too much embarrassment already. That was still without the fact that she slept on him, with that on top, it made him nervous.

He headed down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, expecting Maya to be there but instead he was met by Jean.

Who wasn't a pretty sight in the morning according to Maya.

"Good morning, did you break the headboard?" She said with a raspy voice, eyes half-opened while making coffee.

"No!" He sighed,

"Alright, how did you sleep, fuckface?" She turned around with the mug in her hand while leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Best night of my entire life.." He said with open-wide eyes remembering the second he woke up seeing her, still ignoring the soreness in his neck, possibly his shoulder too.

"Is that so?" Maya appeared from behind, surprising him.

"Uh, so yeah so the best night of my entire life was uh.. The night I uh- Saw Twin Peaks in person. Mhm.." Finn scratched the back of his neck as he turned to talk to Maya.

"Great..?" She dragged out the last syllable, obviously suspicious, but she let it go.

After an awkward silence of Jean drinking her coffee, Finn playing with his fingers, and Maya getting a snack, she left the room following him letting out a deep breath.

"Cover totally not blown." She raised her eyebrows, heading out too, leaving the boy in confusion in the middle of the kitchen

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