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hi guys! today, i finished writing a small multi chapter zelink story that's... fluff with a plot. i guess. it's based on the song, "Remedy", by WESLEY which is up above :,))) i kept listening to this song on the plane while on the way to Miami, and while i was there, i started this story.

i really related to the song, but i also thought it could have a cute Zelink spin on it. i also wanted to practice writing fluff. what better way to do that than by using Zelda and Link, lol?

i know everyone hates my slowburn romance (which i'm still always going to stick to, by the way) so i gave this whole fluff thing a shot. this is probably the last fluffy thing imma ever write because it drove me INSANE.

anyhow, i have seven weeks' worth of updates now because i've finished this story, lol. it's a little over 10,000 words and has seven chapters. i wrote this in ten days. i was so relieved and proud to be done with it today, lol. there are probably a lot of errors so i'm sorry in advance. i'm hopefully gonna have my betas go over everything later.

for now, the plan is weekly updates for this on mondays; that's subject to change, but that's what i'm going with for now. the great thing about this story is that it's ALREADY FINISHED, lol.

so there'll be an ending, and it won't just be put on hiatus like half of my other stuff (omg, i'm so sorry, lol, they'll be finished eventually, i promise).

my original short story will start being posted very soon in september over at Zel-Hark. i'm very proud of it so i'll let y'all know when it's up. (it's finished as well so it won't be abandoned either, lol).

anyways, let me know what you think! love y'all <3



(i can't believe i wrote this in ten days, what's wrong with me. who have i become)

Remedy | Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now