thanks to my remedy (7)

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and here comes the end.... omg i'm kinda sad. i wrote this story so quickly, thanks to my REMEDY ;))) this song means a lot to me.

i hope you enjoyed! please let me know by voting/commenting/following. i appreciate them all.

i want to start posting my original (it's completed, but not edited), but i've been swamped with school. i'll get on it soon, i promise, lol. anyways, i love you guys... i'll be back very soon with either Zelink or something new :,)))





A year has gone by since Link and I found our new beginnings; while losing Mipha and her friendship was painful, I know that we're all happier with how things are now. She felt the need to put every morsel of her time toward her education, which - of course - isn't wrong... but it wasn't quite compatible with what Link needed.

Now, instead of frozen yogurt runs at the mall foodcourt, Link and I have movie nights, eating bowls of cereal in front of my TV. We have lots of games nights where I show him how many Bells I've accrued in Animal Crossing and where he whoops me in Mario Kart. Since we share so many classes together (unlike Mipha who's in a different major), he's able to help me in my note taking in my disorganization, and I remind him to study with his scattered mind.

Even after all the pain he's put me through, Ganondorf still tries to talk to me, but I do my best to ignore him. There have been several times this past year where I've gotten close to breaking his nose, out of pure annoyance. But Link always holds me back.

As he should.

We've both got another year before we're able to graduate, but I enjoy the time that we have together now. It's valuable to me. For some reason, I have a very strong feeling that we won't be parting anytime soon.

Right now, I'm curled into my bed, stuck with a blazing fever. Link's just left his dorm to pick up some things at the grocery store for me before dropping them here at my apartment.

Normally, I'd try to do something a little more impressive with myself, but my oversized hoodie and pajama pants will have to do. Currently, I care very little about how I look and more about how my body is trying to kill me.

Shivering, I burrow further under my covers, straining to hear the sound of Link's boots stomping down the hallway. He has the most adorably loud footsteps, no matter where he is or what shoes he's wearing. Even though he insists that he treads lightly, I know the truth.

So do the neighbors. I would know. They've talked to me about it.

Sinking back into my pillows, I raise a weary hand to my forehead. I'm freezing, but my hand tells me that I'm really burning up. I'm also hungry, but my body aches too much to move. As much as I'd love to dig around my refrigerator for some leftovers, I know that I wouldn't make it five steps without falling flat on my face.

Soon enough, I hear someone tramping up the stairs and down the hallway. Then there's the subtle rustle of plastic bags. It has to be Link. He fiddles with his key ring, flipping through it before finding the right key to my apartment. My door opens with a soft click, and he calls out to me from the doorway, "Zel? I'm here. I've got the stuff you asked me to get."

He's shuffling around in my kitchen, probably dropping all the bags on the floor and putting things away into the fridge.

"Thanks," I try to call back, my voice overtaken by a heavy cough.

Remedy | Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now