it happened with you (6)

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hi, lol. i don't have school today so this was an easy upload. hope y'all like it! please vote/comment/and stuff if you feel like it <3

:/// what will happen with Mipha and Link ;-;



Our traditional frozen yogurt day is awkward. We haven't had one since the day Ganondorf broke up with me a little over a week ago. Just in that small span of time, everything's changed. I can hardly believe it.

Despite all of Mipha's obvious advances, Link's been so incredibly stiff, and she hasn't known what to do about it, ending up frustrated. Nervously, every once in a while, he'll make eye contact with me as she clings to him, almost as though he's betraying me and not her. Every spoonful of tangy frozen yogurt is a reminder of just how cold my life is going to be once Mipha finds out that I've been captured by her boyfriend... and that... maybe I've captured her boyfriend too.

Eventually, Link can't take it anymore, deciding to do something about it. Gently, he removes Mipha's hand from his arm before leading her away from our table, going elsewhere in the empty foodcourt. They're still within earshot, and I desperately want to listen in. Focusing on my yogurt, I only catch snippets of their conversation, but Mipha's looking increasingly more and more upset.

"I'm not stupid, Link," Mipha says, eerily calm, "nor am I blind. I'm a third year nursing student, I've known you since we were kids, and we've been dating for a few years now. I know that something's going on."

I miss a few of the following sentences.

"Mipha, please don't be upset... You know that we've been trying to make this work for months now," Link pleads, probably hoping she doesn't burst into tears. "I know you're not happy with me, and I don't know if I'm happy with you right now. You never get to see me; I don't see you. And I just..."

I strain to hear more without blowing my cover.

She practically errupts, cutting him off curtly. "Link. I know it's her. It's Zelda. And despite how desperately I love you, I know that I won't be able to keep you if you don't feel the same way. So because I do love you... I know I'll have to let you go." Her voice breaks, and her sweet face turns to stone.

Link looks crestfallen. "You know I don't want to do this..."

"Don't try to make me feel better," she wraps her arms around herself in a sort of tight self-hug. "Just go be happy. I don't care. But I don't think we'll be able to be friends after this."

His hurt blue eyes flicker to me briefly before searching hers. "I don't want to lose our friendship, Mipha. We've been close since we were little." He reaches for her to try to comfort her, but she pushes him back.

Setting her shoulders defiantly, she straightens and looks him dead in the face, "You've made your choice. You know it. If I'd known that this was going to happen, I never would've sent you to help her."

My heart sinks, and even though I knew it was coming, it still hurts to hear her words aloud. Pushing my cup of yogurt away from me, I sudden lose all appetite for it, only wanting to go and hug my best friend. To tell her how sorry I am. To show her how guilty I feel.

"I'm sorry," Link repeats once more, his voice filled with regret.

"Sure," Mipha replies coldly. Pushing past him, she stalks back over to our table, grabbing her purse quickly and avoiding my gaze completely.

I try to apologize. "Mipha, I'm sorry -"

"I don't want to hear it," she cuts in. "If you think I did this for you, then you're mistaken. I did it for him. You're a horrible friend, and I hope to never see your face again." Every word she spits at me hurts and is filled with contempt. I almost recoil in surprise. But I can't blame her. I betrayed her trust in every way. This is what I deserve, even though I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Neither did Link.

But sometimes the best of intentions lead to the worst of consequences.

Shell shocked, I remain frozen in my seat as Mipha storms off, her heels clicking against the linoleum floors. My yogurt has begun to melt, slowly dripping down the side of my cup. As Link heads back to our table, I have a feeling that - for once - he won't want to finish it up. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, looking haggard.

"I'm sorry, Link," I choke out. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

His lips twist into a bitter smile. "It wasn't your fault, and you know it, Zel. I was lonely, and Mipha was never there. I think it was bound to happen eventually. I'm just glad that it happened with you."

I watch as a piece of strawberry falls from my melting yogurt onto the table. "We've all been friends for so long. I'd never even thought of you like that until you started helping me."

"Everything with Mipha was crumbling," Link admits carefully. "I just never saw any substantial reason to end it - not until you, at least."

"Did we make a mistake?" I ask him, already feeling the weight of Link's decision to talk to Mipha. "I just lost my best friend, Link... I broke you guys up." My heart fills with immense guilt. I hang my head.

Crossing over to stand behind me, Link wraps me in a firm hug; I lean back into his embrace as he whispers into my hair. "Zel, it wasn't your fault. It was going to happen eventually, regardless of whether or not anything with you started. You just hurried the process along."

Inhaling softly, I relax as he shifts onto the seat next to me. The lunch rush is starting to enter the foodcourt, but I don't mind. Despite the loss I feel from Mipha, warmth floods my heart as Link holds me close.

We watch as the last remains of my frozen yogurt drip onto the table, creating a sticky mess. Over time, something that's good can evolve into a chaotic mess, just like the new gummy puddle of tangy vanilla.

Still, as Link and I leave to head back to my apartment for a bowl of cereal, I'm reminded that even the ugliest of endings can turn out to be the most beautiful of beginnings.

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