maybe i'm a homewrecker (5)

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what's goooood. it's 1pm and i just got out of schoool :ppp can't go home bc i have a tour after school, but i figured i'd post this chap now. smh don't be reading this in class, you hear me? lol

please enjoyyyy. vote/comment if you dig it. i have two more chapters left! :,))) once i'm done with this, i'll start posting my original.

lol at this chap title



Smoothing out the front of my mauve skater dress, I swipe on a matching coat of lipstick before tugging on a pair of black combat boots. Link should be outside in less than five minutes. Compared to the bedhead mess that I've been this whole week, I've dramatically improved, and I credit it more to my sickness's departure as opposed to Link's opinion.

My phone vibrates on the kitchen counter, and I grab it on the way out the door. As I approach his car parked by the curb, I'm suddenly met with a wave of anxiety, a swarm of dormant butterflies erupting in my stomach. The oversized sweater I'd thrown on over my dress before dashing out of my apartment suddenly feels far too hot, even in this November weather.

Shakily, I open Link's door before slipping into his passenger seat. Forcing my mind to focus, I can't bring myself to meet his gaze, nervously tapping my nails on the glovebox. Overwhelmed with guilt, I can't believe the horrid thoughts I'd been having this whole week about stealing Mipha's boyfriend - triumping on the discovery that they're having problems - hoping beyond hope that she'll break up with him so that I can have him for myself.

Properly repulsed by myself, I fight the urge to claw my way out of his car.

"Hi," Link says breathlessly. I can feel his heavy stare on me as I actively try to avoid it. A few moments of silence pass before he tries again. "Zel?" I'm shocked that he's allowed this much quiet to persist and for so long. "Did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm super sorry. I didn't mean it. At all. I'm so sorry, Zel..."

And there he goes.

I find my bearings. "Link, you didn't do anything wrong. Just drive? Please?" I feel a deep pain in my chest, and I almost can't bear being here with him now.

Am I betraying Mipha by being here? Am I betraying Link? Myself? Ganondorf?

This is not a date. It's not a date. I'm not betraying anyone here.

So as we watch our movie in the theater, I mentally insist that we're just two friends, enjoying a movie together. As his arm comes to drape over my shoulder, I deny any thoughts of romance, telling myself that he's just being thoughtful. As I lean my head on his shoulder, I conveniently forget that that's technically not something just friends do most of the time. As he whispers tickling words into my ears throughout the movie, I push Mipha out of my mind, wanting - for once - just to be happy.

Afterwards, we go to get a quick dinner at Beedle's before heading over back to my place to play some videogames. It doesn't take too long before he realizes that I'm pretty trash at Mario Kart, choosing to exploit it at any given opportunity.

"Skies, Link, gimme a chance!" I exclaim, almost throwing my joycons at him in frustration.

He shakes his blond head vehemently in reply. "Never," he breathes dramatically.

I catch an item box, receiving a blue shell. That turns all my grumbling into maniacal laughing.

Glimpsing at the map really quickly, Link sees what has me so gleeful all of a sudden. "Shoot, Zelda," he mutters under his breath, nailing a really hard turn. "Don't you dare..." he breathes at me. If there's anything I've learned about Link tonight, it's that he's an absolute nerd for Mario Kart. While we both adore Animal Crossing, he definitely has a lot of hours in this game. I, quite obviously, do not.

Even with the added help of the blue shell, I still end up losing yet another race. Laughing in spite of my defeat, I move to give Link a playful shove, almost knocking him off the couch.

In the process, his fingers end up tangling in mine, and our eyes lock in surprise.

For a moment, we don't let go.

But then we remember who we are and quickly separate.

Nervously clearing his throat, Link sets his joycons to the side, avoiding my gaze. Obviously uncomfortable, he begins his rambling. "I think I... uh, have to go now, Zel. Thanks so much for hanging out with me tonight. I really... I guess, I really just enjoy hanging out with you. You're really, really cool, and it kinda makes me happy inside, and I dunno, it just -"

I cut him off, feeling my throat tighten unbearably. "No, no, I get it. I appreciate you hanging out with me too. Go enjoy Mipha or whatever." I choke out the last words before realizing what I just said. Fumbling to correct my blunder, I add, "Forget I said that..."

"I, uh, actually have to have a talk with Mipha soon," Link mutters, shooting me a meaningful look. "But don't tell anyone I said that." He adds, almost like an afterthought. He shifts in his seat on my couch, grimacing. "Anyways, I guess I really should be going... I think we're still on for our mall outing with Mipha tomorrow, and I gotta be ready for whatever mess that'll bring."

Powering off my game console, I rise from my seat wordlessly, offering him a hand to help him up.

"I can show myself out, you know," he reassures me but still accepts my hand anyways. Again, we separate, but his fingers brush mine deliberately as we part, sending shivers down my spine.

"I know," I respond simply, still following him to the door. "You'll get home safe? Text me when you get to your dorm."

He nods, lingering in my doorway, "Okay. And... I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Zel." A wisp of wavy hair escapes from behind my ear, and he returns it with a quick move of his hand.

"See you," I whisper back, watching as his back retreats down my hallway. Closing the door slowly, a haunted look entering my eyes, I wonder just how far gone I am.

Judging from the light blush dusting my cheeks when I check my bathroom mirror... I'm very far gone. I think I'm a whole homewrecker and a half. Skies. My life is over when Mipha finds out.

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