goodnaturedly indignant (4)

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hi i'm uploading this from school so i don't forget lol; busy day

hope y'all having a good school year so far

please comment/vote!! love y'all!!



I check the thermometer one more time, just to make sure that I'm reading it right. I'm only slightly under normal body temperature. Perfect. Now, I only have a slight coughing-sneezing situation, but that I can manage. I'll be able to make it to my classes today.

Slipping out from under all the blankets Link piled on top of me yesterday, I change into a pair of loose pants and a cute sea green blouse. It feels good to be out of bed again. Untangling my mess of honey blonde hair, I then put them into two twin buns near the nape of my neck. Passing through my kitchen, I wolf down a quick bowl of cereal before leaving my apartment prison.

Once I'm out, I hop in my car, buckling up and putting the key in the ignition. Castle Town University - CTU - isn't super far away, and I'll be able to make it in the next fifteen minutes if traffic isn't too heavy.

After pulling into the campus parking lot, I hurry to my 9am analysis class, forgetting that I share it with both my ex boyfriend and my best friend's boyfriend. Before I can scramble into a seat in the crowded lecture hall, I'm pulled aside by my ex boyfriend.

"Zelda," he says my name gruffly, keeping a firm grip on my arm. "Where do you think you're going?" His amber eyes bore into me, and I swallow back the slight terror rising up in my heart.

"I'm going to class, Ganondorf," I reply, as coldly as I can. I refuse to meet his gaze, keeping my head down and attempting to step around him. "Let me pass." There are so many people around, and I can tell that he and I are both getting close to snapping.

His hold on me tightens, "I don't think so. You're sitting next to me, and then we're going to solve this afterwards." He's so much taller than me that I barely reach up to his chin in my wedge heels. His broad chest heaves with each heavy breath he takes, and I wish I could glare up at him in defiance..

Gritting my teeth, I respond sharply, "You don't tell me what to do. You broke up with me yourself; leave me alone. I'm going to find my seat."

As the seconds crawl by, we draw the curious attention of more and more onlookers. I shrink back in discomfort, almost allowing Ganondorf to drag me with him. But then, there's another grip on my arm, and it's soft. Gentle. It shifts from clinging to my arm to encircling my waist loosely before hiding me behind the newcomer completely.

An arm thrown before me protectively, my rescuer takes his stance, breaking Ganondorf's hold on me. I recognize the tufts of messy wheat-colored hair, the determined cobalt blue eyes, and slim physique immediately. It's Link. For a tense moment, he locks eyes with Ganondorf, and they stare at each other, never shifting their gaze. I feel my breath get caught at the back of my throat.

"Let's go, Zelda." The dramatic instance is shattered by Link as he leads me away carefully, arm wrapped around my small shoulders. We choose seats toward the front of the lecture hall, close to our professor and far from where we know Ganondorf will be sitting in the back with his cronies.

Even as the lecture goes on, I can feel his gaze burning into my back, ever watchful from his area near the door. I try my best to focus regardless, but everytime I try to tap away at the keyboard of my laptop or pick up my pen to write, my fingers shake nervously. For some reason, Link is able to pay attention through it all, even offering to let me copy his notes later.

Once we're dismissed, Link and I wait for Ganondorf to exit the hall before us, making sure the coast is clear for us to leave. Somehow, I've done a pretty good job at holding in my coughs, but a sneeze slips unintentionally as we make for the parking lot.

Immediately, Link is full of concern, scolding me for wearing so few layers. "You're gonna catch your death of cold, Zel! Skies, what's wrong with you!" He's goodnaturedly indignant at my carelessness.. "Hurry, get in the car before your cold gets even worse!"

I'm shoo'd into my own car, and an amused smile spreads across my typically surly features. "Okay, okay, I'm in the car!" I reply, giving another tiny sneeze. I'm nestled in the driver's seat, drumming my freezing fingers on the steering wheel.

"Listen, your sneezes may be adorable, but I don't want to hear it unnecessarily," Link pokes my nose before closing the door.

I roll down my window a small crack, knowing Link will protest in allowing too much of the cold air to seep in. "I appreciate your concern. Now I'll go right to bed, okay? I promise."

He nods in approval, "You have that overdue paper you need to work on. You better get on it!"

Preparing to pull out of the parking lot, I laugh lightly in response, "You got it, Chief. I'll see you later...?" My question is twinged with a kind of painful uncertainty, an unwilling longing for his presence. It's only been a few days, and I already look forward to his impromptu rambles and thoughtful gestures.

Mipha is one lucky girl...

His piercing blue eyes search my green ones for a moment before his gaze drops to my grip on the steering wheel. "How about something this weekend?"

"Are you busy?" I ask him. An ugly desire surfaces in my heart, and I wonder for a moment whether or not he'd rather hang out with me over Mipha. Is he going on a date with her this weekend?

"Nah..." he shakes his head. "Mipha's really busy for the next two weeks, and she doesn't want me underfoot. I'm planning on staying out of her way so she can focus so I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of time on my hands. She's been busy a lot recently..." he muses carefully. Then he remembers who he's talking to and flushes with embarrassment. "Not - not that we're having problems or anything. It's just... she's... busy." He finishes lamely.

"Just busy," I repeat, raising an unconvinced brow. My mind swirls with possibilities, and my curiosity is aptly piqued.

He latches onto the idea hastily, "Yeah! She's just had so much going on, you know? With her... nursing stuff, I guess. I don't wanna stress her out, and I don't wanna cause any problems so - I mean, we definitely don't have any problems. Anyways, I need to go, Zelda - I'll see you this weekend?" He shuts the conversation down as quickly as he can, attempting to damage control best as possible.

Blinking at his sudden shift in demeanor, I manage a feeble "Okay, see you then" back. Then, I think of Mipha, who's dating one of the best guys in Hyrule. Link's absolute gold, and she's clearly missing out.

Startled at my own vicious thoughts, I almost wreck the car behind me as I try to pull out of the lot.

Please tell me I'm not thinking about snatching up my best friend's boyfriend.

Seas, sand, and stars.

I am.

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