i guess to my rescue (3)

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HI I DIDN'T FORGET TODAY'S MONDAY!!! here's your chapter :,))) i hope y'all enjoy. school's dragging me by the hair so it's good i wrote this over the summer, lol.

if you enjoyed this, lmk via comments/votes/following me! i love y'all so much <3

dedicated to darxkrai for being a cool person. check out her stuff if you haven't already!

ight, bet, let's do this



The next day I still don't feel up for school, and it has almost nothing to do with the amount of dms Ganondorf has sent to me via Instagram in the past twenty four hours.


Instead, I'm burning up with fever, hacking up a lung, and sneezing like a maniac. Wind's sake, what did I do to deserve this? With one peek in the mirror, I take in my flushed cheeks and glazed eyes before crawling back into bed.

My classes can wait until tomorrow. I'm only missing one today anyways so it doesn't matter too much.

Even though my thermometer tells me otherwise, I'm chilled to the bone, buried underneath a mountain of blankets. Thankfully, Link brought an abundance of tissues and cough drops for me yesterday, and I'd had the sense to bring them into my room before going to bed. I definitely need them now.

On my phone, there are about three missed calls from Mipha and one from Link. That's when I think to check the time.

Sand, seas, and stars.

It's almost 3 o'clock. In the afternoon.

I wouldn't have been able to go to class even if I wanted to. Falling back into my mound of pillows, I sink into my misery. I'm both shivering and sweating in my small twin-sized bed; there's an uncomfortable scratchy feeling every time I swallow, and my nightstand is soon covered in used tissues.

... I feel miserable.

When my doorbell rings, I can't even get up to answer it. "Go away; no one's home right now."

"Zelda, open the door," a stern voice demands.

My breath catching at the back of my throat, I blanch but don't plan on backing down. "Ganondorf, I said to go away, and I won't ask again." I stifle a sneeze, my face frozen in an awkward expression.

The knocking on my door becomes more hurried and insistent. "I refuse to leave until you answer the door, Zelda."

"No, go away; I'm not interested," I spit back, feeling scarily lightheaded all of a sudden. My emotional little heart is screaming at me to take him back, but he's such a jerk. If he really wants me, he'll do better than just groveling and demanding for me at my door.

"I don't give you permission to break up with me!" he raises his voice, vehemently hitting a fist to my wooden door. "We're still together, you hear me? You'll open this door right now, and let me -"

He's cut off. "Uh, 'scuse me," a new voice says, softer but still loud enough for me to hear. "I don't think the neighbors appreciate the yelling. Think one of them mentioned calling the cops...?"

Link to my rescue.

Ganondorf bangs on my door one more time, barking venomously at my unlikely hero. "Move outta my way, Finlay. I'm here for my girl."

"I think you heard her yourself," Link replies easily. "She's not your girl. Now, again. The neighbors aren't too happy with you right now. I'd suggest you leave before they start giving you trouble."

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