some things never change (1)

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posted as of 08/26/19

hi. if i see any violent comments, imma delete and mute. it's that simple. i'll give one warning, but other than that? no swearing/violence/knife throwing/any of that. seriously.

please vote/comment. next update will be posted next week! sorry to everyone in school already, lol.

k, love you, byeeeeeee


also thanks to bookworm6310 - so much love to you for always beta-ing for me and for being a mod on my inactive discord server, lol. in addition to all that, you're a really good friend, and i love you so much <3


I have to reread the text several times, almost unable to understand its harsh meaning through the illuminated screen. "He's breaking up with me," I say, dropping my phone in shock.

Thankfully, Mipha's there to catch it. "What?" she balks, sticking her spoon back into her cup of frozen yogurt. She then reads through my texts, trying to get a grasp on the situation.

"He's breaking up with me!" I repeat, my voice breaking from the stress. "He's breaking up with me through text!!" Suddenly losing my appetite, I shove my bowl of vanilla frozen yogurt across the table to Mipha's boyfriend, Link.

He doesn't hesitate in taking my portion, eyeing me sympathetically in the process. "Are you sure that's what he's doing?" he asks, mid-bite.

Mipha cuts in quickly, "Of course that's what he's doing, Link! The texts clearly show it."

"I'm done with it," I say, unable to keep the venom from seeping into my voice. "I'm so over him. We break up and make up every other week. I think it's finally time for me to drop Ganondorf Dragmire once and for all."

Passing my phone back to me, Mipha gives a firm nod in response, "You should. All this relationship with him has ever done for you is cause more trouble."

Grabbing my phone, I turn it on before my fingers type out a quick, pointed reply. Then, with a few more swipes and taps, I've blocked his number and removed him from my contacts. "I'm done. Finally done."

Link's shoveling down the last of my yogurt, "You know, this'll be good for you, Zel. He never deserved you to begin with. You were too good for him."

Rolling my eyes at the cliché, I stack our sturdy plastic trays on top of each other, preparing to stand. "I guess so. I think I'll be regretting this decision in an hour or two." ... Turns out I don't even need to wait that long. As I dump out our trash, Link and Mipha lock hands and stand from their side of the table. My chest feels as though it's about to burst.

Bitterly, I watch them out of the corner of my eye as we leave the food court. Now that I'm gonna have to watch them be all lovey dovey together, I'm missing Ganondorf even more, wanting so desperately to change what just happened.

But nothing prepares me for when I reach home.

As soon as I enter my small apartment after parting ways with Mipha and Link, I'm hit with a rush of emotions. Slamming the door shut behind me, I feel a sharp pain in my chest as the tears begin welling up in my eyes. Viciously, I swipe them away as I drop my purse on the carpeted living room floor.

After changing into my pajamas, I'm left not knowing what to do. I feel so lost.

Sinking into my leather couch, I flick on the TV in a sad attempt at distracting myself from the fact that I'm now currently single.

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