increasingly worrisome crazy ideas (2)

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happy labor day!! i hope everyone's enjoying either their last few moments of summer or this day of reprieve from school ;p

please vote/comment/etc if you enjoy what you read

dedicated to thelegendofmarvel for her help w my original :,))) thanks so much always, friend <3



My alarm goes off at 8, signaling I have about an hour to get ready and leave for my 9am class. I really don't want to have to go in today so I convince myself that I really am getting sick. I wouldn't want to pass anything on to the other kids in the lecture hall...

Content enough with my excuse, I curl even further into my sheets, turning off my alarm and going back to sleep.

I wake up again around noon, startled at the slight trail of tears streaking down my cheeks. Tucking my limbs underneath me, I'm grateful for the warmth that my hoodie provides me.

Checking my phone, I see a new dm from Ganon. For a moment, I consider replying... But then I think better, clearing the notification without taking another look at it. I wonder if he's noticed that I'm not in class right now...

Rolling out of bed, I take a quick glance at the mirror as I brush my teeth. My honey blonde hair's piled at the top of my head in a loose bun, and my green eyes are heavy with unshed tears. It's probably for the best that I didn't go in today. I look as horrible as I feel right now.

My apartment is pretty tiny with its one bed, one bath, and one kitchen-living combination room; it can be easy to go stir-crazy in here over a long period of time. I set my laptop on the couch while going to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal. I might as well eat and get some work done since I'm not in class right now.

After I fix myself the perfect brunch bowl of cereal, I cozy up on my couch, pulling up my email. Maybe I can actually go through and organize my inbox today. The five hundred unread emails sitting there will be the perfect distraction from my ex boyfriend and the way he's currently blowing up my dms.

As time goes on, I find myself coughing into my elbow way more than I'm comfortable doing. I jinxed myself. I told Link that I was getting sick, and I jinxed everything. If the tickle at the back of my throat is any indication, I'm actually getting sick.


As I cough and plough through my emails, I find myself becoming more and more bothered by not seeing Ganondorf's messages. I can't look at them. If I look at them, I'll want him back. If I look at them, I'll set myself back up for him to do this again.

I'm ignoring them. Tapping my fingers anxiously on my keyboard, I'm almost relieved when the doorbell rings. "Give me a second!" I yell, followed by a loud sneeze. Lugging myself to the door, I glance down and realize I haven't even changed out of what I was wearing last night.

Real classy, Zelda.

Still, I open the door, almost surprised to see Link standing outside. I guess he did say he'd check in on me. "...Hi."

"You have a cute sneeze," he comments briefly, almost knocking me out of the doorway as he enters. "You know, lectures were really boring today; you missed nothing in economics, I swear." He's carrying a bunch of grocery bags before dropping them on my tiled kitchen floor. "I'd send you the notes for econ, but we learned nothing."

I blink, standing in my fuzzy flannel pajama pants as he goes on and on about the most random topics, wishing I'd changed before he arrived.

"I brought tissues and cough drops and chicken noodle soup," he states matter-of-factly. "I also brought you some tea and honey because that always helps me when I'm getting sick." He doesn't seem to notice my outfit, focused on rifling through the bags he brought.

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