To: My favorite human being.
If I was to ever give up on you, understand how much that took out of me. I'm the type to give someone multiple chances over and over again, always have your back when you're wrong, and truly accept you for who you are. When the rest of the world doesn't want you, I will. So if I gave up on you, understand that it took everything I had left in me to leave you. If you don't see the value of having me by your side then I won't convince you.I mean everyone is temporary, right? I've been without people I thought and swore that I couldn't be without,but I'm fine like I try to not care. I dont know is it a good bye or what, but hopefully you doing well without me. You will always be my favorite 'Hello',and my hardest 'Goodbye'.Thank you so much for everything, I wuf you.—
From: The one who's always have your back.
Quotes You Needs
Non-Fictionsemua orang pasti pernah down kan? entah itu karena teman, sahabat, pacar, maupun keluarga. so, disini aku kasi kalian kumpulan" quotes atau kata" motivasi yang bisa push mood kalian lagi.. disini juga ada kumpulan" quotes buat ngode doi loh.. eh* w...