"i am okay"
"there's no problem"
"yep, i am fine don't worry"these are the three lies we usually say when we just want to hide the pain, but these lines can also mean that we just want to know if someone really cares
Quotes You Needs
Non-ficțiunesemua orang pasti pernah down kan? entah itu karena teman, sahabat, pacar, maupun keluarga. so, disini aku kasi kalian kumpulan" quotes atau kata" motivasi yang bisa push mood kalian lagi.. disini juga ada kumpulan" quotes buat ngode doi loh.. eh* w...
eighty seven.
"i am okay"
"there's no problem"
"yep, i am fine don't worry"these are the three lies we usually say when we just want to hide the pain, but these lines can also mean that we just want to know if someone really cares