Chapter 5

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BayFall's ears flattened to his head as he heard a hiss.


"W-We had to get my full medicine cat name.. This is AspenTooth, and WaspFur- h-he-" BayFall croaked. His voice had gone hoarse from crying.

FlintStar rose a claw to strike BayFall, but AspenTooth grabbed his paw in his mouth, sending him off to the side.

"Who are you thinking you can do that to your medicine cat?!" AspenTooth hissed to FlintStar.

"Who are you thinking you're getting out of this camp alive?" Sleekly meowed RatTuft, one of the younger warriors.

AspenTooth unsheathed his claws. "You never even listen! BayFall can't even speak!" He hissed.

"BayFall? Who's BayFall?" FlintStar hissed.

"Oh, I don't know! Your only medicine cat!" AspenTooth replied.

A hoarse voice spoke up from the crowd.

"He and WaspFur- they needed to talk to you, b-before they vanished.. They probably needed his new name-" MistyMask coughed.

"AND WHY DIDN'T YOU LET THEM IN?" FlintStar hissed.

"Because, you were busy.. I- didn't want to-" FlintStar grabbed MistyMask's foot, crushing it in his jaw.

MistyMask let out a screech, struggling to get away. AspenTooth leapt at him, tackling him away from MistyMask. BayFall quickly hurried MistyMask to the medicine cat den, and sprinted back out.

"Y-You're just a tyrant! Like SnowStar!" AspenTooth hissed.

"Who is SnowStar?!" FlintStar hissed.

"The leader, of my clan! SnowClan!" AspenTooth snarled, pinning him down. "I came here to ask you for help to get rid of her, but no! You're just the same."

FlintStar sent AspenTooth flying into the fresh-kill pile, his head crashing against a hard stump, he had fell unconscious, a large gash forming where his head hit it.

BayFall dashed over, herbs in his mouth. Quickly starting to tend to AspenTooth.

"Why are you treating that Dirt-bag?!" FlintStar hissed.

"A-As medicine cat of MossClan, I stand apart from rivalry, and protect all cats equally.." He mewed weakly. "I promised that to WaspFur- before he-"

"Before he WHAT, BayFall?" FlintStar hissed.

"He's dead! WaspFur's dead!" A she-kit's voice blurted out.

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