Chapter 4

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BayPaw stared at LeafKit for a moment, pondering on the mysterious cat before answering her.

"I'm BayPaw, LeafKit. The medicine cat apprentice." He answered.

"Oh! Ok! Bye, BayPaw, I'm off to explore the rest of camp!" LeafKit mewed, padding off.

BayPaw sat in silence for a few more moments before a yellow paw touched his shoulder.

"BayPaw, it's time, to get your full medicine cat name." WaspFur meowed to him.

"Really? But-" BayPaw was interrupted by WaspFur.

"But nothing, BayPaw! It's very important that you get your full name. All medicine cats need them." WaspFur retorted.

BayPaw sighed, and nodded. "Fine." He muttered bitterly.

"Let's go tell FlintStar that we're going to leave." WaspFur mewed, heading out of the den, signalling BayPaw to follow.

They headed towards the leader's den, but saw a blue-ish gray spotted she-cat stood in front of the den. It was MistyMask, the deputy of MossClan.

"Excuse me, MistyMask, we need to get by here." WaspFur said to her. 

"I'm sorry, WaspFur, I cannot let you by." MistyMask rasped.

"Are you ok, MistyMask? You seem sick." BayPaw said.

"I'm FINE! I'm perfectly fine." MistyMask hissed hoarsely.

"Fine. Come on, BayPaw. We don't need to tell him." WaspFur meowed.

He followed WaspFur out, through the forest. They ran into a hunting patrol.

"WaspFur? BayPaw? Where are you going?" CowDapple questioned.

"We're off to get herbs." BayPaw answered quickly.

"Ah, I see. Can you get some coltsfoot for MistyMask? She's been having issues breathing." CowDapple requested.

"Alright, we will. Goodbye CowDapple." WaspFur said, he and BayPaw continuing on their journey to the MoonPuddle.

"Hey, WaspFur?" BayPaw asked.

WaspFur just ignored him, and kept walking. BayPaw followed after. They finally made it out of the mossy forest, and into the rocky plains of empty territory. Suddenly, BayPaw spotted a cat collecting herbs. The cat was a pure reddish-brown cat. They were so close to MossClan territory. The cat stood from collecting herbs, and noticed them. They quickly padded off, probably scared off by WaspFur. WaspFur and BayPaw just kept walking, until they got to the hill the Moonpuddle was located on. 

"Go on." WaspFur whispered, nudging BayPaw foward towards the glowing water.

BayPaw stared at WaspFur, his green eyes stared back at him, pride in them.

"I, WaspFur, medicine cat of MossClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve his clan for many moons." WaspFur meowed, staring down BayPaw with his greemneyes. "BayPaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your own life?"

BayPaw gulped a tiny bit. Was he truly ready to do this? Was he truly ready to devote his life to the ways of a medicine cat?

"I- I do." BayPaw shakily responded.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. BayPaw, from this moment you will be known as BayFall. StarClan honors your kindness and agility, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of MossClan." WaspFur meowed to BayFall.

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