Chapter 7

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Many cats were angered at DustDawn's exile, even PatchDapple, FlintStar's mate, had ignored him since. She had her and FlintStar's son, BriarKit, avoid him. SandyKit and LeafKit had became miserable without DustDawn. FidgetPaw had gone missing in an accident. Every cat here was troubled with some sort of sorrow. BayFall wondered what the brown queen was doing now. Was she alright? Did she die?  

"BayFall, you're daydreaming again." LostCall meowed. At least, her breathing had gotten better.

BayFall turned over to her, DeadFace had also been giving him a worried glance with her green eyes.

The new deputy, RockPelt, padded in, PoppyTail at her side.

"Greetings, RockPelt.." BayFall meowed.

The silver she-cat rolled her eyes. "SandyKit ate some crow-food, like an idiot." She meowed.

"Hey, RockPelt, watch it! SandyKit isn't an idiot! He's just young." PoppyTail meowed.

RockPelt rolled her eyes again. "Just get us some chevril so we can be on our way." She meowed to BayFall, completely ignoring PoppyTail.

BayFall nodded, grabbing some chevril, pawing it over to the deputy.

RockPelt grabbed the chevril and began leaving.

"I'm sorry for her today, BayFall.. She's just been having some.. issues, after DustDawn leaving." PoppyTail meowed, following after RockPelt.

"It's alright!" BayFall called to PoppyTail.

He stared out at the entrance, two small shapes were sitting, isolated from the rest. BayFall padded out, to talk to the kits.

"Leave us alone!" SandyKit hissed.

"I-I'm sorry, SandyKit isn't-" LeafKit meowed, but was quickly batted on the cheek by SandyKit.

"Shush, LeafKit! He doesn't need to know!" SandyKit spat.

"I know it was hard saying goodbye to DustDawn, SandyKit. I only wanted to talk." BayFall meowed.

"T-To talk?.. But nobody wants to-" SandyKit was suddenly tackled by TawnyKit.

"Hi, SandyKit! What's up?" TawnyKit cheerily meowed.

She and SandyKit wrestled away, TawnyKit's siblings following after.

"What happened to her, BayFall..?" LeafKit mewed. "SandyKit won't tell me.."

"Who do you mean, LeafKit?" BayFall responded.

"DustDawn.." She quietly answered.

"FlintStar made her leave, LeafKit.. She'll come back eventually, promise." BayFall meowed to the gloomy kit.

"Thank you, BayFall.." LeafKit mewed, padding into the nursery.

He nodded, watching as LeafKit went.

BayFall's ears rang, hearing something coming from the mossy forest. He followed the sound, standing in a clearing.

Suddenly, a quiet hiss came from a direction, and many cats sprang on BayFall. They covered his mouth so he couldn't let out a screech for help.

"Hush, BayFall, calm yourself!" A she-cat's voice called.

BayFall couldn't even familiarize the voice. His head was spinning.

"Take him back to camp, quickly!" The cat called.

Everything had went black. All he could feel was a cat picking him up off the ground before he went unconscious.

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