Chapter 6

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BayFall whipped his head around to face LeafKit.

"How could you know, LeafKit? You weren't out of camp, were you?" BayFall asked.

"In my dream- WaspFur- he visited me, t-telling me of a prophecy-" LeafKit shakily explained.

"Of a spotted cat?" BayFall questioned.

LeafKit gave a tiny nod.

"Maybe, it's her? Maybe, she's the spotted cat?"  BayFall wondered.

"He also told me- about three other clans that are going to come.." She mewed.

"And SnowClan.. Must be one of them." AspenTooth said, staring at the kit.

"Why would you believe that kit? She's told lies before." WaterStreak meowed.

RavenBelly nodded in agreement to WaterStreak.

"He is dead. WaspFur, I mean. My leader murdered him in cold blood." AspenTooth said in a grim tone.

FlintStar's tail tip suddenly flicked the other direction. It was a signal to attack.

None of the warriors sprang, except for HeavySneeze. AspenTooth quickly striked HeavySneeze's head with his front paw, flinging her to the ground with a thud.  A snow white shape pinned HeavySneeze after leaping at her from the bushes. It was the same cat that had murdered WaspFur. The cat held HeavySneeze's throat in her mouth, biting down on it. HeavySneeze raked the muscular she-cat's belly, causing her to stumble back. BayFall tried to pad to the fight to help his ClanMate, but FlintStar stopped him.

"Let her fight, she got herself into this." He meowed.

HeavySneeze was like an apprentice compared to the mysterious she-cat. But HeavySneeze was one of MossClan's greatest fighters. The gray she-cat sprung onto the snowy she-cat's back, digging her unsheathed claws into it. The intruder let out a yowl, flinging HeavySneeze into a tree. The snow-colored cat had broken HeavySneeze's jaw with the throw. HeavySneeze kicked her back, scaling the tree behind her. The gray she-cat tried to spring upon the cat, but the white shape grabbed HeavySneeze's front right paw in her jaws, tearing it to shreds in her mouth. BayFall watched as LeafKit charged at the cat, unsheathing her tiny claws.

"FlintStar, stop her! She's going to die!" BayFall hissed at FlintStar.

FlintStar did nothing. Just watched. A pale brown shape gripped the snowy she-cat with her teeth before she could touch LeafKit, flailing her claws at the intruder's pelt. DustDawn was batted back, sent tumbling into the grass. A small sandy tom leapt at the intruder, giving a tiny hiss. The she-cat's large claws tore a nick in SandyKit's ear, and tore half of his tail off. The snowy she-cat finally took her leave.

"Oh, and, AspenTooth? If you wish to see BlackMask alright, I'd suggest coming with me." The snowy she-cat meowed, her sleek voice not matching her aggressive attitude.

AspenTooth quickly raced after. Whoever BlackMask was, they were important to him. BayFall quickly began treating everyone's injuries. After finishing with DustDawn and SandyKit, he moved onto working on HeavySneeze. 

"I'm so sorry, HeavySneeze.. If I hadn't of shown AspenTooth our camp, you wouldn't be like this." He meowed to her.

"HeavySneeze?... What's wrong with HeavySneeze..?" Hoarsely meowed MistyMask, grooming her spotted pelt.

"A cat attacked us, MistyMask. HeavySneeze was severely wounded." BayFall meowed to the blue-ish gray she-cat.

MistyMask went back to sleeping in her nest. BayFall looked worriedly at her crushed paw. HeavyMask nudged his foot, and gave him an expression, most likely saying; "It'll be alright."

"Thank you, HeavySneeze.. I need the comfort right now.." BayFall meowed.

HeavySneeze gave him the best smile she could.

"I'm truly sorry to say, HeavySneeze, you'll probably be unable to talk again." BayFall reluctantly meowed to the gray she-cat.

HeavySneeze gave a nod, looking out of the exit of the den. She signaled for BayFall to leave.

"O-Oh, FlintStar's calling a meeting." He meowed. "I'll see you after, HeavySneeze.."

FlintStar stared at HeavySneeze indirectly. "I am renaming HeavySneeze, yet again." He meowed. "And renaming MistyMask."

"Renaming again?" PoppyTail questioned. "Hasn't she had enough torture from your cruel name you gave her?!"

RockPelt nodded in agreement to PoppyTail. "She's right, FlintStar.. your names are truly cruel."

FlintStar snarled. "That's enough from the both of you, unless you want to end up like them!"

"Are you threatening your clanmates, FlintStar?" Snarled DustDawn. "My kit barely even has a tail, thanks to you!"

"How is it my fault SandyKit was an idiot enough to try and fight a warrior?!" FlintStar hissed.

"Leave SandyKit alone!" Snarled FidgetPaw. "He was trying to do what any warrior should, help his clanmates!"

FlintStar hissed. "I've had enough of you! You must listen to me! My word here powers over yours!"

The cats hissed quietly.

"From now on, MistyMask shall be LostCall, and HeavySneeze shall be DeadFace." FlintStar fell silent for a moment. "And I hereby exile DustDawn from MossClan. SandyKit shall stay with us."

Cats began snarling at the leader in complete disagreement, but a yowl silenced them.

"It's fine.. If I die, at least I don't die in this miserable clan.." DustDawn spat, running out of the camp.

"Mum? Mum, come back!" SandyKit cried.

BayFall watched as DustDawn went. What had become of MossClan?

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