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The truth was that, here, no one was to hurt for long. This place would break your heart, mesh it and expect you to mend yourself quickly. It always seemed simple but in actual sense, it was hard.

The day was abnormally quiet after most people left for church. I could hear the disrespectful sound of a generator in the backyard but it seemed low. I decided to play music. I was not really a fan of quiet environments.

Chris Brown's voice filled the room as 'Love more' began to play. I pulled my sweater and danced in front of the mirror, imitating a singer on stage.

Another song came on after and I performed to that and the third song till I got exhausted.

I grabbed my phone and went through my contacts. I wanted to call someone. I had run out of things to do with myself and I needed company. I would have called Nellie but the urge to call her was not as strong.

Hunger started to announce itself. I had noticed it but I did not know how to quench it so I ignored it. But it came speaking again in louder voices so I went to the kitchen. 

Looking through my cupboard at the packs of cereals, pasta, Semovita and noodles, I realized I did not have the will to cook. I opened the container of rice and stared at it for a while before going to the beans. The container of beans was where my fortunate prisoners lived, devouring my foodstuff. So many times in the past, I had been tempted to spray an insecticide in that container. That day, I gave into the temptation.

After spraying the insecticide on the last batch of beans I owned, I closed the lid. Knowing that no beetle would survive, I felt fulfilled. I would not miss the beans; I hardly ate it.

After eating the pepper soup noodles I prepared because I was impatient, I carried the bucket of beans and disposed of it in the bush opposite the lodge.

Solitude could be a gift and a curse all at once. I had to appreciate it at times and other times, I could not help dreading it. My order was sleeping, watching a movie, reading just a chapter of one of the eBooks Nellie sent to me, then sleeping again.

In my boredom, out of curiosity and even though with a misplaced sense of righteousness, I visited a lesbian pornsite.

When I had watched two women touching and tribbing - I felt aroused but I did not want to try it. It was then I knew for sure that what I told Linda was a little part of the truth about me.

A call came in, while I was still on the site. I exited and shut down my laptop before picking the call like the person could have seen what I was upto.

The caller happened to be Tony. I still let him introduce himself after I recognized his voice. 

"I did not know when was a good time to call you so I just called anyway."

With my fingers in my mouth, I nodded. He could not see me but I said nothing more.

"I do not know if you will be busy around this time, I want to take you out."

" To where?" I asked.

" Do you have somewhere you love to go to?"

I had somewhere I loved to go to. It was a private lounge structured to be like a ship. But it was I and Nellie's spot so I did not choose it.

"Wherever you choose is fine by me," I said.

Is it because I told him that wherever would be fine with me that I landed in a bar around six pm?

Why did I not say anything anyway?

I wanted to wear a gown to impress but I later decided I did not want to impress and I wore a Chinos trouser with a round neck t-shirt. It was like he too decided not to 'send my daddy' and instead of one of the affordable fancy restaurants in town, he brought me to a bar.

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