Chapter 27 pt. 2

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"This is for Papa." Areum said before removing the mic from the stand and walking backwards a little.

"I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight."

"I just need a moment in my own space."

"Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say "okay, " but ain't that what we all say?"

"Sometimes I think back to the old days, in the pointless conversations with the old me, yeah , back when my momma used to hold me."

"I wish somebody woulda told me-"

"If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain."

"If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change."

"If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away."

"If you want love, if you want love."

"Yeah, as a kid I used to think life, is moving so slow, I watch it go by. Look out the window on my bus ride, I thought the world was so small, through my closed eyes."

"I've always tried to control things, in the end that's what controls me. Maybe that's why I'm controllin'."

"I wish somebody woulda told me-"

"If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain."

"If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change."

"If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away."

"If you want love, if you want love."

"The older I get, I feel like I'm always tryna save time. Talkin' to the voices in my head, they make me think twice. Tellin' me it doesn't mean it's wrong because it feels right."

"I'm scared that one day I wake up and wonder where the time go. Talk about the past like it's the present while I rock slow. I'll sit in the living room and laugh with kids of my own. And tell 'em-"

"If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain."

"If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change."

"If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away."

"If you want love, if you want love."

The music faded out and it was all quiet, the fans were shocked, this girl was 9 yet she's so fucking good.

After a minute of silence the crowd erupted in screams and clapping.

Areum smiled and Jungkook walked back on stage. "Thank you for your time! But it's time for us to go! Have a good night!" He called grabbing Areums hand and walking off stage.

•Over At Jungkook's friends•

"Jungkook's JK!!???" Jin screeched.

"Hehe yeah..." Zoe said running the back of her neck.

"How long have you know?!" Namjoon said turning around.

"Ah well when we were kids we wanted to sing and dance but our parents didn't want us to so we used masks and stage names and started performing. At first it was dance but then Kook started to do singing, and so I moved to America to learn more dance and he stayed and became JK." Zoe said.

"Now come on let's go back stage." Zoe said walking through the crowd.

They followed her and walked back stage running into Taemin.

"Taemin!" Zoe said giving him a hug.

"Hey Zoe. Jungkook and Areum are in the dressing room." Taemin said.

"Oh hey! I'm Jungkook's manager and friend." Taemin said noticing everyone else, they all waved back.

"Well follow me." Zoe said walking off down the hall.

Everyone scrambled behind her until they stopped in front of a door.

Zoe knocked and Areum yelled, "Come in!"

"Hey Kook, I um tried to keep them out for as long as I could. Sorry." Zoe said opening the door up all the way as everyone else ran into the room.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" They all screamed.

"Because I didn't want anyone knowing." Jungkook sighed setting down the makeup remover wipes and turning around to face them.

"But Zoe and Areum knew! Why'd you tell them!?" Jin said in disbelief.

"First of all, I started this career with Zoe so of course she knew who I was just like I knew she was Violeta." Jungkook said sighing again.

(If you didn't know, Violeta was Zoe's stage name when she would do performances.)

"And second, I didn't tell Areum. On the other concert we had, the first one Areum went to she managed to find out who I was. I didn't tell her the smart cookie found out by herself." Jungkook said turning to face Areum and grabbing the makeup remover wipes.

"Now is that all the questions cause I need to remove my babies makeup." Jungkook said.

"Daddy!" The twins said pushing through the crowd.

"Yes sweeties?" Jungkook said still removing Areums makeup.

"Will me get to sing with you and big sissy?" The asked giving him their dog eyes.

"Of course sillies. You just have to wait until you're older." Jungkook said ruffling their hair.

"Wait since you're a famous idol do you have like a fancy mansion?" Taeyeon said.

"I sure do." Jungkook said.

"Can we see it?" Taekook said.

"Yup. And Uncles can follow us. Ok? Does that sound good?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah!" The twins squealed.

•At the Mansion•

"So this is it." Jungkook said after everyone got out of their cars.

"Master Jungkook, welcome back." A man said opening the door and holding it open.

"It's good to see you, Henry." Jungkook said leading everyone inside.

•After Tour Of Mansion•

"We're going to move into the mansion tomorrow." Jungkook said as everyone sat down.

"And if any of y'all want to stay the night sometime y'all have bedrooms."

"Sure! We'll come over sometime." Jin said.

"Great! We'll show papa that we don't need him right kids?" Jungkook said.

"Yup!" The kids said giving Jungkook high fives.

The End

Or is it?

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