Chapter 1.

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        "Hey fatty!" your personal bully, named Ann yelled. "What do you want now?" you asked. "I want you to do my homeworks!" she said.

"I am not going to-" she threw you against the wall of your school. No one were on the hallway so she wasn't afraid of doing what ever she wanted to. "Remember what will happen if you won't do them." Ann said.

"O-okay... I-I'll do 'em..." you said shyly. You remembered bit too well what happened last time. She told everyone in your school that you have crush on your art teacher, Mr. Kenner, and you surely didn't! It was horrible. Everyone started teasing you about it. And Ann just laughed with them.

"Good.." Ann smirked evilly. "And because you were so stupid, fatty, you'll need to carry my backpack." she said.

"...Sure.." you muffled.

- - - - - - -
After doing your homeworks and copying them to Ann's notebooks, the time was about 7pm. You yawned, it wasn't easy to always do her homeworks. Your mother kept asking why are you making homeworks twice, and you always answered something like "I promised to her," or "She asked and I said yes.".

You yawned again and decided to make some noodles and go to bed. After you ate, you washed your teeth and went into your room saying 'good night' to your mother.

You climped onto your bed. 'Why can't I be normal.. I am just a ball while others are skinny and have sport hobbies.. I won't eat anything tomorrow.' you thought as you yawned again. You closed your eyes and and fell asleep.

- - - - - - - - -
The dream was weird. It felt very realistic. You were in some kind of boiler room. You walked few steps. "H-hello..?" you asked. Nothing. The pipes around you were hot, and here and there would be few holes where the gas in them would come out and make hissing sounds.

'Such a weird place..'. You took few more steps. "Hello.?" you asked carefully. "Hello." someone said with a deep voice. You yelped quietly when you heard that.

You turned around. "Ah!" you screamed. There was a man. A bit taller than you, and his face was burned. "Huh, you scared?" he asked with an evil smirk.

"W-who are you..?" you asked ignoring his stupid question. "I am Freddy Krueger, and you are, chubby?" he asked with a smirk again. (He doesn't want to upset you by that).

"U-uh.. I'm.. (Y/n).." you mumbled shyly. "I'll call you sweet-face" he said. You looked at ground. 'What's wrong with him...'.. "You aren't real, are you?" you asked. "Try to guess, chubby.". He said sarcastically. You stick out your tongue at him.

"I mean, you are also curvy." he said with a bit perverted but amused smirk. "Uh..." you mumbled as your cheecks heat up.

=Freddy's PoV=

'She looks really good though she's a bit chubby.. Her butt is perfectly round.. And her boobs looks so soft... How would it feel to cup them and-' before I could think more, she called my name.

"F-Freddy...?'' she asked shyly. 'The way she says it, she's cute..'.. "Yes, sweet-face?" I asked. 'She blushed again... I want to make her more embarrassed.. Maybe tease her, and push her against a wall making her whimper..'.

"H-how did you get into my dream..?" she asked. "I'm a dream demon. I can go in dreams and out and kill people if I want to." I said. She took few steps back looking scared.

'...'.. "A-are you going to k-kill me?" she asked in fear. "No, chubby. I won't do that." "W-why do you have that glove..?" she asked carefully when she noticed my right hand.

"Ah this, it's for... Well you guessed right, it's for killing." I said. '...She's going fear me for the rest of her life..'..

She took steps back again. "I'm not going to hurt you." I said. "Swear?" she asked carefully. "I swear." I sighed.

She relaxed a bit. "Now.. What shall we do?" I asked. "..I don't know. You can choose." she said.

'I want to give you a hickey---- the hell, Freddy?! You've met her like few minutes ago! Hold your ass, you fucking pervert!' I thought. She stared at me. I think I was blushing a bit and it sure was uncomfortable.

"Let's.. Hmm..." I mumbled. "Do you like drawing or playing board games..?" she asked carefully. "Uh.. I'm not very good at drawing so let's play something rather, maybe hide and seek?" I answered.

"O-okay.." she mumbled. 'She's so adorable..'.. The rest of the time we played few games and talked about everything, until she woke up by her stupid alarm.

=Your PoV=

You woke up by your own alarm clock. 'Stupid alarm.. I want to just sleep, and be with Freddy because I don't have any other friends..'.. "(Y/n)! I made coffee, come here." your mom yelled from the kitchen.

'Ugh.. Again a school day..'.. You thought. "Coming mom!" you shouted half asleep. You yawned. 'Krueger was his last name wasn't it? Where do I even need that?'.. you chuckled a bit.

You walked in the kitchen. "Mom, why is everything orange?" you asked. "Do you have a dementia?" your mother asked. "Tomorrow is Halloween, silly." she said.

'How could I forget?! It's my favorite day of the year!' you thought. "Are you going trick or treating?" your mom asked. "Mom, I am too old for that." you said.

"Hnn." your mother hummed. "I'm going to school now, bye." you said with small smile. "But you didn't eat anything!" your mom said.

"I'll eat in the Cafeteria!" you yelled before you closed the front door of the house. 'You are not going to eat anything. Remember that, (Y/n).' you thought.

"Hey fatty! Where's my books??" Ann came from nowhere. "Uh, here.." you whined trying to sound as annoying as it was possible. You handed her the books. "You better got the right answers." she said.

"I think those are.." you said shyly. "Good." Ann said. You walked away from her. '...I hope Freddy doesn't know about this...'..

- - - - - - - - - -
The school day was as boring as always, and the fact that you didn't even eat only made things worse. You were hungry, but still didn't eat anything when you got home.

"Hey (Y/n), I have food almost ready." your mother yelled from kitchen. 'Why is she always making food?' you thought.

"I'm not hungry mom." you said. "Are you ill??" your mom asked being slightly worried. "No mom." you said. "Okay." she said with shrug.

"I'll be in my room doing homeworks." you said. "Okey." she answered. You did your homeworks in a couple of hours, then you decided to watch a movie because you really wanted to see Freddy again.

"I'm going to visit in store, it's open only for a hour so I really need to hurry." your mother said. "Alright.." you mumbled while watching (A good movie here :)).

The movie ended about twenty minutes after and you were quite sleepy so you washed your teeth and went to sleep.

Michael Myers x Chubby!Shy!Reader x Freddy Krueger Where stories live. Discover now