By Morning-Chapter 26

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With everyone else asleep, I grabbed my sword and crept out of the house, sure not to wake up Tucker during the time.

I peaked through the corner of Tom's window and saw him still awake with the torches broken, mouthing words to himself. I can't read lips, so I didn't know what he was saying.

By the time I had thought he wouldn't do anything else, I started to walk off.

Then it bugged me. I had to check on him one last time.

So I went back, and this time Tom was searching through a green and black backpack I didn't even know he had. He pulled out a paper, that was wrinkled and torn a bit.

"Sonja?" A voice said.

I looked behind me and saw Mianite.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Oh, nothing. Just seeing what Tom is doing.." I answered back, trying not to sound mischievous.

"It's more than that."

How'd he know? Well, I probably did look kinda suspicious.

"I thought Tom was hiding something, so I wanted to see if he was, and what it was." I said, honest. "Just curious, if you can tell me, where did you go with Ianite?" I wanted to know.

"Ianarea. We need to go back there."

"What's Ianarea?" I asked him.

"Ianarea is where Ianite is from. The city was burnt down to the ground, and needs to be revived. We have to being it back to life."

"And how do we do that?"

"Ianite needs her power, which Dianite has. We need to get it from him first, so that Ianite can bring back her wrecked city."

The city must be in some deep shit. I now want to go there.

"Can we go there?" I asked questionably.

"Hmmm." He thought for a second.

"I don't see why not!" He allowed. "We go at sunrise." He exclaimed.

I looked up to see where the moon was. It was just about straight up in the sky. We still have a bunch of time.

"Is everyone coming?" I asked him.

"Yes. Wake them all up."

"Welp, I'm going to get some sleep.

Night, Mianite." I yawned.

"Stay safe." Mianite assured me, as I walked off to my home.

I opened the door silently and walked tip-toed not to wake Tucker.

I hopped into my bed.

"Good night." I whispered to him, not expecting an answer.

"Good night babe." He said back.

I cuddled my blanket and fell into a deep sleep.

Story Of Ianite {Mianite}[NO LONGER UPDATING]Where stories live. Discover now