Set Sail!-Chapter 27

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I woke up to a startle. Tom was leaning over me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I screeched, falling off the bed.

Tom couldn't help but laughing, waking up Tucker as well.

"Whaaa-?" Tucker was as confused as I was.

"Dianite woke me up, I believe " he explained, knowing that we were confused.

"How?" I asked, still confused.

"I had a nightmare. We were at Dianite's temple again, and it was all lit on fire, smoke everywhere. I tried to make my way out, but only found more fire blocking every last way. I started to cough really badly, and blacked out. That's when I woke up."

I still had some questions. "So there's a whole dream behind this?" I asked him.

"Yeaaah." He said, looking a little embarrassed.

I smirked, then my smirk turned into a scary one. I forgot.

"IANAREAAAAA!" I screeched, alarming Tucker and Tom.

"What is wrong with you, woman?" Tom asked me.

"IANAREA! TODAY!" I screeched, unable to say full sentences.

I jumped up from off the floor, and grabbed my sword before bolting out the door. I ran to our the house our Gods slept in, just to find that they were gone.

"Wha?" I asked myself. "Where are they?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder, startling me. I fell on the ground, just to see that it was Mianite.

"Sorry." He apologized, while laughing a bit.

"It's fine!" I said laughing, getting up from off the floor.

"C'mon! We're all out here!" Mianite said, and ran out the door.

I followed, and saw Jordan talking to Ianite, while Tucker and Tom were making small-talk.

I could overhear them.

"So. How's the weather?" Tucker asked Tom.

"Uh." Tom says, looking up.

"Beautiful." He says, smiling.

"Alright! Let's go!" Mianite yells, and we all run out of Champwan's house to the nearest ocean.

I see Jordan stop.

"Who's is that?" he asks.

"What?" I ask, before seeing a large boat.

I look behind us to see that Mianite and Ianite are gone.

"Where did Mianite and Ianite go?" I ask, looking and seeing that I am the only one there.

"WHAT KIND OF WIZARDRY IS THIS?" I ask, starting to spaz out.

I then get a black bag tossed over my head.

"WHAT? STOP!" I scream.

I end up stop screaming. It's worthless.

I'm being taken somewhere. I am dropped on the ground, making me lose consciousness.

I woke up later, in a cabin on a ship. There were two beds, two furnaces, and one crafting table. I start to feel sea sick.

I sit on the bed, and look around.

"I need to find them." I thought.

I stood up unsteadily, and made my way out.

I ended up on the deck of the ship, where everyone was except Ianite and Mianite.

Instead, I saw two pirate looking people.

One comes over to me. It's a male, and he looks drunk.

"What is ye name?" He asks me.

"Sonja." I tell him.

"Where are ye from." He asks me, swaying. "By the way, me name is Skipper Redbeard.

"I'm from the land named the Realm of Mianite." I told him.

"Oh really? We sent to go there by Ianite." He said, shaking his head.

"Why?" I asked him.

He seemed to be out of his drunk state. He wasn't swaying anymore, and looked fine overall.

"We sent to look for person named Sparklez. Captain, be exact."

He's looking for Jordan? But why?

I ran over to him, and brought him to Redbeard.

"Ye be Sparklez?" Redbeard asks him.

"Depends. Why?" He asks, staring at him wide-eyed.

"I be Redbeard. We sent to look for ye."

"From who? Why?" Jordan asked, still confused.

"By Ianite. She be captured by Dianite. We need ye help."

"WHAT CAN HE DO?" I jumped in, asking.

"Mind if me look at ye wrist?" Redbeard asked Jordan.

Jordan held out his arm, as Redbeard pulled up his sleeve. There was black writing. It read: IANITE

"So ye be Ianite follower?" He asks Jordan.

"Yeah." Jordan said, happily.

Redbeard chuckled a bit. "That why we need ye."

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