The search begins

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In Clegane Keep, yelling voices where reverberating off the walls of the great hall. Lord Clegane had ordered Gregor to go and aid in the search for the Lannister girl and Sandor was quite angry as he had asked as he had asked permission but a moment before. Both Clegane brothers where shouting, both trying to outdo the other, when a booming knock resounded from the doorway. Standing there was
Tyrion Lannister and as he stepped down, drawing closer to the three," Dear sirs, certainly we can come to an agreement so that I might fulfill my duties here?"
      Gregor looked down at the man sneering," no business that you have here could be as important as this imp, now Fuck Off!!" Lord Clegane jumped up from his seat immediately reprimanding his eldest," the man you just told to fuck off is Lord Tyrion Lannister, you half-wit. Sandar, you'll be going with Lord Tyrion as I assume that he is here to gather volunteers. Gregor, get to the kennels at once and start cleaning them out. Now!" With that Gregor stormed off, cussing and huffing under his breath as did. Tyrion simply nodded with a quick bow and turned, Sandor quickly catching up with his long strides. As they left the great hall and soon after they where out of Lord Cleganes watchful gaze, Sandor leaned closer to Tyrion " how long has (y/n) been gone?" The fear lacing his words. " Two almost three months, to be honest I'm a little surprised it took father so long to start looking for her. I do so hope she's okay when we find her." Tyrion replied solemnly as they neared the stables. After retrieving their horses, they turned them toward Casterly Rock and headed out.


Not long after,as Clegane Keep isn't far from Casterly rock, they reached the courtyard to find a fairly large group of people waiting for them. As Tyrion looked around, recognizing every face and noticing all of his family's bannermen where present, tears forming in his eyes. Lord Cedric Payne and his squire, quickly walked to the head of the group," We are all present and accounted for now that the Clegane has arrived," he announced, quickly looking Sandor up and down then turned back to the group," we are ready to move out on your word,Lord Lannister. " he quickly continued, turning back to Tyrion as the rest of the men all nodded in agreement. Tyrion looked around for a moment, while gathering his thoughts, finally spoke, " As you all know my sister (y/n) Lannister has gone missing. What my father didn't include in his messages however, is that she has been missing for almost three months now. The last person to see her reported to the Lannisport Guard that (y/n) was being followed by an individual wearing a flayed man patch. Now it has been reported to me that recently, two of the Bolton's Bastard's boys have been spotted in the area but as most of our soldiers are away doing my father's bidding, we have been unable to track them down. We need to find them. I'm quite positive that once we do, we will discover (y/n)s location." He waited for a response but the men went quite. Sandor,finally breaking the silence,"Where should we start our search? If what you say is true and that this could be the work of Bolton men, that means we need to find her as soon as possible." He said, gritting his teeth when he mentioned the Bolton's.
Ser Harys Swyft spoke next," She's been missing for months, are you prepared for all outcomes you might find?" Tyrion was about to speak, when he noticed Sandor move in his peripheral. Turning he noticed Sandor had dismounted and was angrily talking to his horse, fists clenched, an unbecoming red filling his face. A shuffling of armor drew Tyrion from his thoughts and turning back to address the men," My father doesn't show love for many things in this life but family is everything to him. Even if......," the words catching in his throat causing him to faulter slightly," even if she is dead, he wants her found and the men responsible for this to be imprisoned. The last reported sighting was between Centar's Gate and Seafield close to the Rock. They may be hiding out in the caves or may be using them to conceal their movements before casting off a boat and rowing off somewhere across the Sunset Sea. I believe the best place to start our search is near the caves." Tyrion had just barely finished when the men started to get ready, gathering their weapons and cloaks. ' I do hope she's okay,' he wished deep down, turning to Sandor just as the man wiped at his still red but now very wet face.

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