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As the days flew by and the trail date grew nearer, (Y/n) was hard at work trying to ensure that everything would go seamlessly, one hiccup in the plan and they would both be dead. Jamie had been helping to keep things running smoothly and silently, relaying plans between her and Varys so the two where never seen together and procuring the currency to fund the operations. The preparations were almost complete.


The day of the trail had finally come but as Tyrion looked around the chamber he was glad to see that (y/n) was not in her place beside their father during the trial as he had asked, he wanted to spare her the hardship of baring witness to such an event knowing the stunts that where likely to be pulled in the crowns favor.
She instead was sitting across from Podric in a tavern near flea bottom, sharing a last glass of wine before they both headed down their own paths bound for known destinations with unguaranteed outcomes.
Podric was quite excited about his journey, squiring for Brienne of Tarth on her quest to find the Stark children but was currenly very worried about his good friends and the outcome of the days trial.
He knew (y/n)s plans and that they would work but he also knew it would label them both as traitors and enemies of the crown if they failed.

Earlier during the day, (Y/n) had been anxiously pacing the walkways of the garden trying to destress and force herself to stop overthinking everything so much, that when Podric happened by and offered up the suggestion of a drink she was more than happy to accept.
Now sitting in the dark and dank shithole of a tavern, she allowed herself to breath deeply and fully immerse herself in her surroundings as she listened to the excited ramblings of Podric as he described in great detail the tasks he would get to perform as a proper squire.
She gazed about the room;the broken and dirty tables filled with filthy but happy people, the maids tending to the drinks and groins of lustly drunken men, the fire blazing brightly in the hearth.
As she sipped her wine and stared into the fire, it began to glow brighter, its flickers deepening and slowly within its heart images began to take form .
At first, she couldn't quite grasp what she was seeing but eventually the image cleared,
Sandor body laying lifeless at the foot of a cliff, it then changed to the form of three dragons surrounding a small girl, a man with long dark hair coming back to life from the dead, Sandor tracking through a cold desolate world.
The longer she stared the more detailed the images became and she found it hard to tear herself away until a hand passed in front of the fire, causing the images to blur and fade. It was as if an anchors teather had been cut and as she tore her eyes from the flames,Podrics voice rang out quite loudly "( Y/n) are you alright? I've been calling your name for ages now!"  Not saying anything about the visions she instead apologized profusely, before heading off to grab another pitcher of wine as a way to make amends.


Later that night, after they had parted ways and she had begun her long cold walk up to the Red Keep,she suddenly ran into a visibly panicked Varas, who once spotting her flew into a hysterical rant, apparently the trial had commenced just as feared but they needed to leave quickly as he had most the night scouring the city for her.
As they rushed towards the docks, the cooling night air seeming to urge them along, ( Y/n) mentally running through her checklist one last time and praying that they would be able pull off their plan without a hitch.

A little ahead, from the shadows of a fishing shacks doorway came the whistle of a finch, Jamie's special call, to which ( Y/n) with her own shrill chirp of a hawk and out of the darkness stepped Jamie, his face dripping with sweat and his features frozen in a look of terror. Just as (Y/N) opened her mouth to question her brother, the warning bells of the Red Keep began to toll; had Tyrions absence been noticed?
Jamie grabbed her hand and led them to a ship that was quickly preparing to depart, giving her a quick hug before rushing off to go stall the guards as the ship pulled its anchor and began to set sail.


Weeks into their journey to Essos, (Y/N) was awoken one night to the  sound of her brothers voice as he calling her name.  Though drenched in sweat, the warm ocean breeze causing her soaked garments to stick tightly to her skin; she hurriedly unsheathed her sword  that lay  beside her head, fearing eminent danger but after glancing about for a moment she realized he was not calling her name out of fear for himself but worry for her. He explained that she had been calling out for Sandor to help her and cursing Gregor while she was still lost in the depths of her nightmare, Tyrion had been attempting to sooth her from her qualms the best he could from his current position. He asked about her nightmare and though it hurt her deeply to lie to to him but couldn't bring herself to admit what had transpired between Gregor and herself, she instead described the scenes she had witnessed inside the flames almost a month ago. As she spoke of the young girl and the three dragons that protected her, the crate Tyrion was confined in began to shake as he began to laugh and in a cheerful voice said,
" so my darling sister is a seer, oh how father would have loved that. The young girl you saw is no doubt the queen Daenerys Targaryen
that we are currently headed to see. I'd be terrified to, seeing such visions. I still don't understand why you where cursing Gregor though?"
Thinking fast she explained it off by stating Sandor's body at the bottom of the cliff must have been caused by his brother as the hatred between the two was evident and he seemed to be satisfied with the answer as a loud snore pierced the air. With a chuckle, she slid back onto her bedroll and dozed off, memories of Sandor replacing her nightmares.

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