Dragon Tales, White Walker tales, lets all go north of the walllllllll

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The dark gray clouds and chilly morning air where a plesent Westeros welcome as (Y/n) climbed above deck. The ships destination, Dragonstone, would be reached by midafternoon and the deck was crowded with crewmembers, some hard at work preparing the ship for landing while others stacked provisions aboard the rowboats but almost all where beaming with a sense of enthusiasm, their journeys end so close you could touch it.
(Y/n) slipped her way through the packed deck towards the bow of the ship, guaranteed to be barren with most the crew hard at work and relieved to find it so, quickly sank down on the wooden beams with a sigh.
Their journey had been a historic feat, after all the Kailsi had just brought the Dothraki across the 'poison waters' and though most of them where helplessly sick below deck, it was an accomplishment non the less, but somehow the pride of being a key member in such an event suddenly felt unparalleled to the happiness she felt of being so close to the lands of her birth once more.
Gazing out across the water, her eyes searched not towards Dragonstone but in the direction of her childhood home. Though miles of both sea and land stretched before her, her eyes still searched, longing to see Casterly Rock's glimmering towers opon the horizon once more.
Years ago when she had finally left its familiar halls, she had felt utter freedom from the almost suffocating confines of it stone walls but now almost forty three years old and after what felt like a lifetime since her departure, she longed for its feeling of familiarity once more.
She imagined gazing down on Lannisport and admiring the changes the years had brought, imagined chasing her nephew and niece through the long hall as her siblings squabbled at the dinner table, imagined jumping into her big bed of furs and sinking into it never to be seen again. Though she had been trying hard to fight back the images, glimpses of Sans large muscular frame sunk deep in the piles of fur danced through her mind and caused her cheeks became quite flushed.

An unmistakable laugh came from above and with cheeks growing even redder with embarrassment, she glanced up to find her younger brother gazing down at her from the high overhanging beam he had drunkenly roosted himself in the night prior.
With a scoff, she cast her eyes seaward once again, this time taking in the large dark stone castle creeping closer and thought back on the journey that had brought them there; almost a year had passed since their alliances with Daenerys and Tyrion had quickly made himself inseparable from Daeny, becoming one of her trusted advisors and in doing established a form of security from Cerci's bounty.
He had pleaded with (Y/n) to follow his lead, as they both knew she was more than capable of suceeding in such undertakings but after she saved Daenerys's life during an ambushed attack in the fighting pits of Meereen, Daeny had appointed her the title of a Knight of sorts, acting as both a personal champion and queens guard whenever necessary, though with Gray Worm and the Unsullied present the need seldom arose.
When the journey had started the Lannister siblings had been slightly hesitant about it at first, both for their own reasons, but as they knew it was not only important to Daenerys but to their continued employment, so here they where, only miles away from home. Tyrion was visibly scared to be so close to Westeros with a bounty still hanging over his head and had been drunk most of the trip in an attempt to try and hide it, though failing miserably.
(Y/n) however was growing more nervous the closer they got to shore as the urge to break her oath and run off to search for him began to take over ever logical sence once more, though was trying her best to control such feeling.
As if on que, Daenerys rounded the wooden ledge concealing the siblings from view and excitedly announced they where about to drop anchor and had begun lowering the row boats.

As (Y/n) rowed them towards the shore, she watched as a look of pure joy washed over the face of the young queen. Though she was quite a few years younger than herself, Daenerys was an inspiration to her, here was this what looked like a mere whisp of a girl who had hatched three dragons in the heat of a pyre, had freed countless slaves, and had made history among the Dothraki, what was there not to admire. She saw a little of her younger self in the girl, a headstrong fighter that would stop at nothing to have what she wanted; though the thought made her wonder what had happened to that spirit over the years.
(Y/n) found herself on high alert as the white sand beaches drew closer as the Unsullied and Dothraki had stayed behind on the ship to tend to the seasick and finish unloading the ship, the two would be alone on the unsecured island.
After docking the boat, she followed the young queen across the soft white sand, her eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary while her hand twitched anxiously atop her sword hilt. The beach ended in a large black winding staircase carved with such precision that every step was still intact after thousands of years, and as she followed the teary eyed Daenerys up the steps, she found herself slightly taken aback by the magnificence and overall size of the castle. Once inside, (Y/n) set to work at once checking over every nook and cranny before returning to find that Daeny had already run off into the labyrinth of the castle halls. With a twinge of panic, she rushed through the halls until at last she found her peering down over a huge wooden table map. Without even bothering to look up she asked (Y/n) to gather the council at once and within moments they were all gathered around the table, anticipation hanging so heavy in the air it was suffocating. Daenerys looked up after a moment with a look of childlike wonder on her face spoke in a voice that came out in almost a growl, "Shall we begin?"

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