Big Goram Heros

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Sandor returned with the touches, light flooding into the room illuminating the dank dark corners. Tyrion had already walked into the room, holding Sandors cloak in hand. There in the far corner of the room, much to their horror, was (y/n) hanging from shackles attached to the ceiling. Her legs where both broken and where splayed out at horrible angles. Her body was covered in blood, bruises and burns. Her ribs stuck out, most appeared to be broken, her back and shoulders bore the brunt of the burns, the skin appearing half melted. The skin on her left thigh had been completely flayed off reveling raw muscle tissue and tendons. She had multiple brands on her body and she was pregnant, just barely visible. Sandor found it hard to take his eyes off the girl, at what had happened to the beautiful girl that he had met only years ago at his fathers wedding. Rage boiled up inside him, oh how he wanted to see those men pay. Tyrion quickly drew him from his thoughts however, pulling timidly on Sandors arm. They shared a look, a mixture of animosity and empathy before getting to work trying to get her down. Sandor gently wrapped his cloak around her frail figure as Tyrion pulled the lever to release the bounds that held her. Sandor gently picked her up, noticing that she wasn't responding to either sound or touch, and they ascended the stairs, Tyrion carrying the touches ahead to light the way. As they reached the top, the men stood, all offering to give a helping hand but Sandor just growled at them while walking past and out to the docked boats. The men turned to Tyrion, noticing his sullen face realized that though she had been rescued and her captors imprisoned, things where far from good. On the boat ride back to Casterly Rock, Sandor never once set (y/n) down or took his eyes off her, fearing if he did she would disappear forever if he did.


Soon after returning to Casterly Rock, a raven was sent to Kings Landing to inform Lord Tywin that all was well and that his bannermen where headed his way to help his men with the rebellion. Once Tyrion was done writing the scroll and had handed it off to the Maester and headed towards (y/n)'s room. As he opened the door, it squeeked in annoyance, rousing the sleeping figure that sat by her bedside in a large chair. Sandor grunted in greeting, turning back to quickly scan the face of the woman who lay on the bed. Tyrion stood silent observing her for a while before finally asking, " how is she doing?" Sandor kind of shrugged and then responded, " to be honest, I don't know. She hasn't awoken yet and the Maesters say that's not a good sign. They said they can heal her wounds but it could take a long time and that's if her mind heals." The frustration ringing clear in his voice. " if those men weren't in your fathers prison right now, I'd love to do what they did to her to them. Show them real justice." Tyrion placed his hand gently on Sandor's arm " they are being tortured in much worse ways, I've seen to it. It will be nice and slow, I can promise you that. But I do have a pressing matter to ask of you?How long  do you plan on staying, Sandor? We are willing to host you for as long as necessary but most of the bannermen are already headed to Kings Landing and I had thought that you would have been heading out with them?" As far as Tyrion knew Sandor and (y/n) had only met once, at Lord Cleganes wedding. 'Had (y/n) really had such a big impact on the man, that he would stay by her bedside and nurse her back to health,strange indeed' Tyrion pondered to himself while awaiting Sandors reply. Sandor hesitated, looking back and forth between (y/n) and Tyrion for a few minute's, finally he spoke, "Once she wakes up or turns for the worse, I'll head out. I can't go without knowing her fate though." Tyrion could understand that, he could tell Sandor had been worried about her since he had first met him and was just as worried if not more so now. Giving the giant of a man next to him a grin before nodding, he turned and headed out of the room. Sandor immediately relaxed, sinking into his chair and sighed. His father would probably send someone to summon him home or to battle sooner or later but for now he had time help her, she had been so kind to him, most the girls that looked at him where immediately terrified or where rude and whispered to their friends behind his back. She actually has seemed to care about him, which surprised him alot as most his life he had been looked down upon like a dog. He pulled himself from his thoughts, turning to where (y/n) still lay in a coma, the Masters had called it that but the word meant shit to him. He reached out and laced his fingers in between hers; he doubted she would ever be his, he doubted she actually loved him but he didn't doubt one thing, that she had won his heart completely.


Thank you guys so much for reading this, again it's my first time writing something like this so if you have any suggestions or ideas please let me know!! I really hope you like it though. <3 <3

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