The Lioness and The Hound

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As the Unsullied marched ahead of them into the walls of Winterfell, crowds of onlookers gathered beside the road, some eager to catch glimpses of the warriors but most frightened of the dangers they feared Daenerys would bring with her.
(Y/n) sat in front of Sandor atop Stranger, leaning back into his chest while his free hand sat protectively on her belly and the large bump half concealed by her armor.

Once the troup had finally reached the courtyard and dismounted, Bran set to work bringing them all up to speed on the latest worldly developments ; The Wall had fallen, one of Daenery's dragons had been risen and was now fighting for the Night King, the White Walkers where on the move headed south towards Winterfell and word had already been sent to the remaining houses of the North urging them to retreat to Winterfell to take refuge.

Within the Great Hall, the houses of the North that had already gathered, began to argue amongst themselves as Sansa and Jon entered the room. Though she hated the thought of having to part with him for a mere moment, (Y/n) knew Daenerys would see her absence by her side during such a time as treason and with a heavy heart, kissed Sandor before heading over to where Daeny and her troup stood.
Daenerys had been chatting heatedly with Jorah but as
(Y/n) approached her face softened slightly and the queen closed the distance herself, leaving Jorah to blow off some of his steam.

" I saw the two of you riding in together."Daenerys remarked with a gentle nod and glance Sandor's direction, "So he the one you had been looking for?" her smile broadening as she took in (Y/n)'s almost youthful glow. (Y/n) turned in Sandors direction with a smile and found to her surprise he was looking back at her with a smug expression upon his face. Quickly turning back to her Queen, she found she could only nod in response, the fountain of words that seemed to bursting up inside her had grown suddenly dry in her mouth.
Daenerys didn't seem to mind though as she regarded the lovers, her eyes falling more than once to (Y/n)s growing belly, her mind seemingly spinning with queries but when her mouth finally open, the words that came out left (Y/n) a little dazed.
" I believe our vows have both been fulfilled, you have saved my life in both action and prowess and you have found the man that you love. After this battle, you are free to do as you wish as long as that does not include aiding your sister."
(Y/n) completely consumed with with delight, threw her arms around the young queen and in a voice no louder than a whisper, thanked the Kalisi a hundred times over before releasing the girl and hurrying across the courtyard to divulge Sandor with the joyous news.

Later that night in the map room, the final strategy meeting is held.
Bran, certain that he was the Night Kings target as his plans to plunge Westros into an internal night would be ultimately successful if Bran where to be erased.
As such Bran was to be placed in the Godswood as bait to lead the Night King into an ambush, a plan that Theon immediately volunteers to for as Brans guard, feeling it's his duty to die to protecting the boy after all he had done.
Davos was charged with leading the men in the front of the castle to hold the dead as long as they could while the archers and Dathraki thinned the numbers.
A trench, was dug along the perimeter of the castle, lined with wooden spikes to in an effort to further hold the line and the ramparts had been outfitted with broken pieces of dragon glass to protect against climbers.
The women children,old and sick would be kept safe in the crypts during the battle.
All that was left to uncertainty was how the battle would play out. With nothing left to do but wait, the meeting disbanded and
(Y/n) found herself later that night quite tipsy, mindlessly meandering through the halls when she heard a familiar voice ring out demanding a song. As she grew closer she heard a gentle man's voice begin to sing a favorite song from her youth,
High in the halls of the Kings who are gone
Jenny would dance with her ghosts,
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found and the ones who loved her the most.
The ones who'd been gone for so very long, she couldn't remember their names.
They spun her on the old damp stones
Spun away all her sorrow and pain
And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave.

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