chapter 11: the internships ll

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Izuku came running straight to stain while jumping from wall to wall. Izuku appeared in front of stain as stain quickly took out his blade and was about to slice izuku only for him to jump up and cock his right arm back and add his lightning quirk to it. "Lightning bolt!!" A red lightning bolt shot out of izuku's fist and hit stain in the chest directly. Izuku then took this chance to get the Indian hero and Iida away from the area as he took out his phone and sended his location to everyone, so someone can help him. "Iida what happened?" Izuku asked curiously as Iida looked down in shame. "I did something so terrible that I don't have the right to call myself a hero anymore. I was blinded by my revenge  and anger that I didn't focused on either saving the Indian hero or calling for back up. I did it out of impulse cause I wanted to get my revenge. Izuku please, don't get involved. I don't want to lose someone else." Izuku just laughed at what Iida said. "You idiot, I don't care if I die. You need to get out of here. I'm your friend Iida, I'm always here for you no matter what. Now why can't you move?" "WATCH OUT!!" Iida screamed as izuku back flipped behind stain and kicked his back. "Don't try and sneak up on me." Izuku then disappeared from sight to reappear in front of stain, to only grab his arm and throw him back into the alley way. Stain then took out another blade because izuku kneed his blade to break it in half. Stain and izuku charged each other. Izuku charged up another lightning bolt only for stain to dodge it by going onto the wall but izuku planned ahead and flicked the air before him as the gust of wind slammed stain to the wall farther down the alleyway. Izuku then charged up a lightning fist as he smashed the ground next to stain.

"Hmm, everything is going as planned. Soon hosu city will be mine." A man with hands all over his body, also known as shiragaki tomura said. "Yes, it seems so." A purple mist person said also known as kurogiri. "So where is that "hero killer" stain at, hmm kurogiri." Kurogiri sighed "he is currently fighting a U.A. student known as Iida tenya, the younger brother of the pro hero ingenium." Shiragaki raised his eye brows under a hand covering his face. "Oh, how is it fairing. I hope stain loses." "Don't wish that on a villain, it might happen. Anyhow, the heroes are somehow managing against the nomu's, as to all might. He hasn't shown up." Shiragaki cursed. "At times when we truly need him, he doesn't appear but when he is unnecessary. He comes in all high and mighty." Shiragaki then started to scratch his neck revealing the scratch marks there aswell. "Let's head back and decide an alternate route in case things go bad." Kurogiri said as he opened a portal. "Hey kurogiri, where is that midoriya brat at. Is he here?" Kurogiri shrugged. "I dunno, but if he is. He is definitely gonna be trouble." "Indeed, let's head back. We'll meet again, izuku midoriya."

'Bzzz, bzzz' todoroki heard come from his phone as he watched his father endeavor fighting a nomu. He took out his phone to see izuku sending his location. At first todoroki was confused but then he thought "izuku might be in trouble." Todoroki then began to run off. "TODOROKI WHERE ARE YOU GOING!! ARE YOU REALLY RUNNING AWAY!!" Endeavor screamed. Todoroki ignored him and still continued to the location showed. "I'm coming izuku, please be ok."

"Crap, I was just beating him. How is he able to match my speed at my max and cut me?" Izuku thought as he sat near the wall paralyzed by stain's quirk. "You know what kid, I could see a true hero in you, unlike theses fake heros here. So I decided I'll let you live. Now once that paralysis wears off, run away, I'll let you live just this once." Izuku grinned as he shot himself with his lightning. Izuku then got up with smoke coming out of izuku's right hand. "Screw your mercy, I have people to save and a friend to scold. Now why don't you come peacefully and everything will be alright." Stain then started laughing. "Your joking right?" Stain asked. Izuku shook his head as he grinned once again while activating both quirks. "I guess I'll use sacrifice. There is no need for me to use my quirk tommorow or so. SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE!!" Izuku screamed in his head. He has now activated 200% of OFM, which he has never before and even unlocked a stage for his lightning. "Thunder god form. The hell?" All of a sudden a thunder cloud appeared above izuku as it shot it's thunder on izuku who screamed in agony. "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Izuku screamed as the thunder on izuku's body started spreading faster and faster as it completely covered izuku, Sparks flying in different directions. "What the hell, is this some transformation!?" Izuku said out loud. Stain looked at izuku weird, "isn't this your quirk, how do you not know what it is?" "You know how quirks get upgrades, well this quirk just reached an unexpected upgrade. So thanks stain, for helping me get stronger." Stain was shocked as he cursed but grinned. "Alright, show me this "new" strength you achieved because of me." Stain then took out another blade out of somewhere, like where the hell do you get those blades from. Stain then charged izuku with more force than before "I won't hold back on you anymore." Izuku grinned but as he took a step, he zoomed past stain to the wall on the other side of the street. Stain was shocked "what the fuck, that's too fast even for him." Izuku then got up as he summoned more thunder passing 200% towards 215%. He then stood at an angle that he could hit stain and as he took a step he cocked his right arm back and put the percentage of thunder into his right arm and made contact with stain. Punching him to a wall with so much force he broke the building as stain was under all of it. Izuku then started panting as his thunder than deactivated and his OFM Turned off. He was getting dizzy and dizzy. His vision was blurry. "Crap, I need to stand up, just for a little longer......" Izuku then began to fall but fell a warm embrace, it was hot and cold at the same time. "Todo?" Izuku asked as he looked up and saw red and white hair above him. "Yeah, I'm here izu." Then at that moment izuku passed due to exhaustion.

"Iida what happened here. Who did this to izuku." Todoroki said in a calm but pissed tone. "The hero killer stain. He first was about to kill that Indian hero but then I came and went to attack but then he also had me and was about to kill me aswell. Until izuku came, used some lightning quirk along with his strength and knocked stain out under all that rubble over there." Iida said as he got up and stood right next to todoroki. "I'm sorry I couldn't help." "Whatever" todoroki responded as he called endeavor to his locations.

Once endeavor arrived, he came with Iida's intern, izuku's intern and one other hero. Just then the rock rubble moved as stain jumped out throwing knives towards todoroki and Iida. Todoroki got cut by the blade on the cheek but there was no serious damage. Todoroki then froze the ground stain was gonna land at. "W-When izuku wakes. Tell him. #44 o-real meek." Stain then passed out once again. "What the fuck was all that for." Endeavor exclaimed with his usual pissed off attitude. That's when the cops came and carried stain to the back of the police truck, with cuffs. They then left the heros alone.

"Hahaha, I knew it. I fucking knew that "hero killer" was all bull shit. There was no way that he killed heros. He probably killed those less famous heros." Shiragaki said while laughing. "Quite tomura. We may have lost stain and if it's true what kurogiri said. Then keep a look out for izuku midoriya. That brat will be a problem in the future." All for one said on the video chat. Shiragaki gritted his teeth. "Don't worry master. We'll deal with that brat sooner or later. I'll make sure he sees hell before he dies. That brat managed to escape once, but he'll never escape again. Ahahahahahaha!!" Shiragaki said while laughing evilly. What will the future have for our izuku midoriya.

~that the end of this chapter, sorry that it came out shorter than the rest. Hope you enjoyed it, see ya next chapt~

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