chapter 12: the return........and test

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"Tell me stain. What motivates you to kill heros? You claim you are not a villain and yet you only Target heros. Why is that?" A police officer asked. Stain looked up from the chair he was in. He glared at the officers and grinned. "Tell me officer. Why do you do your job? Is it for money, fame or you do it cause it's right?" Stain asked with his evil grin still in place. "I do my job, cause it's my job. Now tell me. Why do you kill heros?" Stain looked at the officer with disgust. "Despicable. You are truly ugly. I swear if I wasn't suckled to this chair, I would slice your throat to nothing." The officer looked at stain and grinned. "Well I'm sorry, your gonna have to imagine it until you see nothing again. You understand?" The officer said while laughing. "Heros, heros  is what you call yourself. When you "heros" only do this for fame. You don't have the guts to do any heroism things, cause your scared. I kill those fake heros who only do it for money or fame. The real heros like all might and that kid, izuku midoriya. They are true heros. They have no ambition to do there work for fame or money. They do it without thought. Heros are suppose to risk there lives saving someone. But these heros are pathetic, like you." Stain spat. The officer got up and walked over to stain and smack him. "I don't give a shit about your thoughts. You do it because you believe they are fake heros?! At least they do do something instead sitting there ass down doing shit. If they truly were doing it for fame or money, they need to do something life threatening or be some type of model to receive that amount of money or fame. You understand?" Stain spat in the officer's face. "Leave me alone. Fuck you and those fake heros. I do what I do cause I decide to. NOW MOVE THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" Stain yelled as he was releasing a large amount of killing intent. It was strong enough to make the officer fall backwards and piss his pants. "What the fuck?"

Izuku was in the hospital along with Iida and todoroki. Izuku slowly opened his eyes and groaned. "Where the hell am I?" Izuku said as he got up and rubbed his eyes. Todoroki and Iida chuckled at this. Izuku looked at todoroki and Iida and smiled. "Ahhh, you guys ok?" Todoroki and Iida both nodded. Izuku nodded, "good." The three then heard a knock on the door before a detective came in with a dog as it's head. "Hello you three, my name is Kenji Tsuragamae and I am the chief of the police force. I have come to tell you that what you did was unacceptable. Not only did you use your quirk without permission, you even left your intern by himself, you even gotten injured at that." The three looked down in shame until todoroki looked up and said "so what did you expect us to do? Did you want us to sit our behinds down and let our friend get killed along with that Indian hero? I didn't fight, but if I was to get there sooner. I know I would've. So you cant tell me that we heros in training are supposed to do nothing about it." "Todo, calm down. Let him speak. Tsuragamae still has something to say." Tsuragamae nodded towards izuku. "Thank you, as I was saying before I got cut off. I understand you are angry and believe me, if others were in your shoes they would've done the same thing, but as I was saying. You cannot use your quirks in public unless you have a license to do so. So if you was to accept this fame of defeating stain. You would be severely punished, but if you choose not to. Then we can put all the blame on endeavor because of the burn marks on stain." Izuku and Iida nodded while todoroki just looked away.

"Hey guys, how was your internships!!" Mina yelled. Izuku, Iida and todoroki were talking in the back of the class about the fight with stain since todoroki was curious of what happened. While the rest of the class was just talking about there internships. "HAHAHAHAHAHA, LOOK AT BAKUGO HIS HAIR IS SMOOTHED TO THE SIDE!!" Sero said while laughing. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU BAKUGO!!"Kirishima asked while also laughing. Bakugo was getting more and more pissed until he activated his quirk and his hair went back to its original. "Dammit bakugo, why you had to do that." Kirishima asked. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOUUUUU!!" Bakugo screamed while his hands were letting out little explosions. "So uraraka how was your internship?" Uraraka just simply said "it was very fruitful." In a weird tone while doing a fighting stance. Bakugo walked up to her and smacked the back of her head. "If you said it was fruitful, how the fuck did I manged to hit you!?" Uraraka then looked at bakugo and rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry bakugo I wasn't really focused on defence, that's all." Almost everyone was astonished as how easily uraraka talked to bakugo and even bakugo talking back without yelling. "I've been through my fair share of problems but you three, went through something else." Kaminari said while pointing towards izuku, todoroki and Iida. "Yeah dude, that was really manly as to how you took down stain midoriya." Kirishima said while doing his "manly" pose. "Well honestly, I would actually say that stain did look pretty cool back there." Izuku just walked up towards kaminari and smacked the back of his head. "Don't say that but I agree with you too. The fact that he did it just to prove that there are truly fake heros in this world is really cool, but I don't approve of his methods." Izuku simply stated before sitting down in his chair. Everyone agreed on izuku for this one.

"Hello everyone, I know it was a rough week, even for you young midoriya, young todoroki and young tenya but we still must train you to be the best of the best. Now for today we are going to do a RESCUE TRAINING RACE!! You must all come to me when I release the distress signal. Who ever make it to me first wins. Oh yeah no damages must be made to the obstacles or you will fail." All might said while pointing towards bakugo who just looked away, pissed as usual. "The first three are gonna be, izuku midoriya, ojiro, Iida tenya, Mina and sero. Get to your locations!!" All might said before he jumped away.

Everyone was at there spot, waiting for all might to say go. "I say sero would win. Cause this is his territory." Kirishima said. "Yeah, but I say ejiro might." Kaminari said. "Izu is gonna win this for sure." Todoroki said without trying to sound excited.  "Deku is dead last." bakugo just simply said. "I say Iida would win this." Uraraka said calmly believing in Iida all the way. "READY SET GO!!" All might boomed. Everyone quickly jumped forward but sero was in the lead. "What's izuku doing?" Kirishima asked. "I dunno, he activated his quirk but he isn't moving." Bakugo just grinned at this "I knew that deku was a piece of shit." Bakugo thought to himself. "Young midoriya, what are you planning?" All might thought to himself.

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, this is not going as planned. Why the hell can't I move. I wanted to just activate my max OFM and use my lightning to jump to the finish, but as soon as I activated my lightning, I couldn't move." Izuku thought to himself. Izuku was still trying to move his body until he remembered what the doctor told him. "Your thunder god form messed up your bones for a month. I recommend not using your lightning for a month until your bones and nerves can handle it again." Is what the doctor told izuku after the conference with the chief. "If that's the case, then I guess it's no lightning time." Izuku said to himself as he prepared to jump and power off his lightning only for him to jump so high and fast into the sky. "HHHHOOOOLLLLLLYYYY SSSSHHHHHHIIIITTTTTTT!!" Izuku screamed as he started falling fast to the ground. Izuku breathed in and out and at the last second he flipped and landing right next to all might, without a scratch. "What the hell was that power?" Kirishima and kaminari asked. "Good job dekuuuuu." Uraraka screamed. Bakugo just tched. "Winner is izuku midoriya!! Well done young midoriya. You've shown great control and power, it seems you have gotten stronger than ever. What's your max now?" All might whispered the last part. Izuku activated OFM before becoming wide eyed. "170% now." All might and izuku were shocked while all might was laughing. "My god izuku, you've become stronger. Imma need to talk to nezu about the upcoming test." All might said. Izuku was confused but shrugged it off. "I'm getting closer to my dream more than ever." Izuku said to himself before the next contestants had to come on.

"God dammit!! We lost again!!" Shiragaki yelled while pissed. "Calm down shiragaki, your just making it worse for yourself by doing that." Kurogiri said calmly while cleaning the inside of  a cup. Shiragaki looked at kurogiri pissed. "How are you so damn calm!!" Kurogiri chuckled. "Because the time has nearly come for them to see there mistake. There's a camp that they are going to, and what we are gonna do is hijack that camp and make it ours. We need to capture izuku midoriya and katsuki bakugo. If they can't catch either one, take someone else. Don't worry shiragaki, we will succeed no matter what." Kurogiri said calmly. Shiragaki started scratching his neck. "Yes, yes. You are correct. I shouldn't worry. We will succeed." Shiragaki then started laughing. Until a man with a black hoodie and red eyes walked into the building. "Hey who are you!! The stores closed get out!!" Shiragaki yelled at the mysterious man. "Breath shiragaki, I only came to tell you I've come for the izuku boy. I did train him. So I would like to see how strong his OFM is now." The mysterious man said. "Who the fuck are you?" The man looked at shiragaki with the coldest stare, sending shivers down both shiragaki and kurogiri's back. "I am "take to keep". My quirk is OFM which I passed down to my successor, izuku midoriya. I taught him everything about his quirk. At the end, you guys ruined it for me." Shiragaki and kurogiri looked confused until something hit them. "Your that guy with the Jason mask the day izuku left." Shiragaki said starting to get pissed. TTK or Tyler nodded. "Yes that was me. But call me Tyler. The day we raid there camp is the day I help you. Now goodbye." Tyler said before disappearing. "This just got even more complicated." Kurogiri simply said.

~will you look at that. Izuku had a teacher!!!??? That was the end. Hope you enjoyed it. More chapters to come, you guys might start to hate me after the last chapter. Also once I finish this book I'm planning on making a part two. If you guys want me too, just post a comment on wether I should or shouldn't. So prepare for the upcoming chapters, cause it won't be pleasant. Now see ya next chapt~

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