chapter 13: the test ll

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"alright class, today is the day of the written portion of the test. Now everyone get to your seats and start your test." Aizawa said as he took out a timer and placed it in front of him while he went in his sleeping bag and was out cold.

-2 hrs later-

'RIIIIIIING,RIIIIIIIIIING' The alarm clock screamed. Aizawa slowly got up "alright, drop your pens and pencils. Get your costumes on and meet me outside." Aizawa said as he pressed a button for vaults to drop out of the ceiling. Everyone then rushed towards there vault and got out there suits and got dressed.

They all met outside with izuku's new suit.

(His hair is now black thanks to the upgrade in his quirk)

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(His hair is now black thanks to the upgrade in his quirk)

Izuku walked out last because his suit was complicated to put on. "Hey, izu. Stain told me to tell you this. #44 o-real meek." Todoroki said. Izuku was confused "#44 o-real meek. The hell tha- AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!" Izuku screamed as he gripped his head as memories came rushing into izuku. Everyone rushed to izuku wondering what happened. "I don't know, stain asked me to tell izuku something and when izuku repeated it. This happened." Aizawa looked at todoroki "what was it." "It was #44 o-real meek." Aizawa didn't understand but he shrugged it off for later until izuku stopped grabbing his head and screaming. Izuku looked up with tears in his eyes. "What the hell Happened." Izuku asked. Everyone was confused as much as izuku was. "That's what we want to know!?" The class yelled. Izuku looked around and got up. "You ok izuku/midoriya." Both Aizawa and todoroki said at the same time. Izuku nodded "yeah, I just received a major headache thats all." Izuku bluntly said. Everyone didn't buy what izuku said and gave him a worried look. "I'm fine. I promise." Everyone still didn't buy it but decided to save it for later.

"Alright everyone. Today we are doing two vs ones." Everyone was confused. "We the heros will become villains and fight two of the students or the heros. You either capture us or escape through the gate that is provided. Now remember you are fighting against pros. So prepare yourselves. We won't go easy on you." Aizawa bluntly stated. (The teams are the same as canon.)

-fast forward towards izuku and bakugo's fight.-

"Since izuku has a strong power. Bakugo and izuku must work together to defeat me, all might and cementoss." Aizawa said. Bakugo was grinning. Being over confident as usual. Izuku grinned aswell. "Alright let's get thundered." Everyone looked at izuku weird. "Alright, no pun next time." Izuku said as he sulked and walked into the arena. "Damn izuku might win but with bakugo there, it's gonna be an issue." Kirishima said. Everyone agreed. "You got this bakugo." Uraraka thought to herself.

"Alright you two are you ready!?" All might asked after making his dramatic entrance. Bakugo and izuku just grinned "hell yeah!!" They both screamed. "Goo!" Nezu screamed over the intercom. Izuku went max as he disappeared before Aizawa could erase his quirk. Bakugo had to deal with his quirk lost. Bakugo didn't care as he charged Aizawa ready for a right hook. Aizawa dodged and two pieced bakugo sending him to the ground. "Pathetic." Aizawa simply said but was then punched to a wall and was out cold. Bakugo got up and yelled "I DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP DEKUUU!! I HAD HIM!!" Izuku rolled his eyes and disappeared before saying "whatever." While izuku was gone cementoss found bakugo looking for all might. He then trapped bakugo with his cement and tied him up before knocking him unconscious. Cementoss then fled the scene looking for izuku.

Izuku had found All might and they were fighting it out. All might went for a punch for the face only for izuku to duck and shoot lightning out of his fist. Shooting it at all might, shocking him. Izuku then backflipped away while kicking all might. All might stepped back and went all out. "Show me what you got, young midoriya!!" All might then charged izuku breaking a few sound barriers. Izuku saw all might and jumped over him and kicked the back of all might's head. Izuku then turned around ready for another kick only to be stopped by strong cement. Izuku then saw cementoss there with his hands to the ground. "It's over midoriya we won." Cementoss said as all might walked towards izuku with a capture tape in his hands. Izuku just grinned. "This is gonna hurt but let's do this." Izuku said as he charged up his lightning and activated his thunder god mode. "LET'S GO YOU TWOOOO!!" Izuku screamed as he broke the concrete and charged all might with a powerful punch. "I found a way to cheat my upgrade, but I can only use it once a month or year. MAXIMUM BOOSTER GRADE, TIMES MAX." Izuku then reached 1000% and his body was simply gone. All might and cementoss were confused until he was knocked out suddenly. All might was scared at the major power boost izuku was showing. All might was then punched in the gut, flying upwards toward the sky. Izuku then appeared behind all might and put both fist together and slammed all might to the ground. All might was on the floor blood dripping out of his lip. "Re-Remarkable!" All might said before he passed out and smoke stared coming out of him. Nezu declared izuku winner. Izuku then disappeared once again with all might and cementoss. The class, no every student and teacher was shocked at how Izuku defeated all might and how fast and strong izuku was just moments ago. "That kid is truly a monster." Nezu said while still in shock.

Since izuku still had five more minutes with this power. He traveled all around the world, undetected. Once he had like a minute left, he zoomed right back to the hospital izuku was with all might and cementoss. He made it back before a second left and passed out. RG saw izuku pass out in front of the room. "Oh, look at that. The man with speed and power has passed out. Dear me." RG then summoned a robot to pick up izuku and place him on the bed.

".......oriya, young midoriya. YOUNG MIDORIYA!!" Small might yelled as izuku yelled "WWWHHHHHAAAATTTTT!!!" And shot up on his bed. "Well done at passing and beating me. But I would like to know. What power boost did you use on yourself to go that far? You told me about sacrifice but it can only go so far." Izuku rubbed the back of his head. "Well you see, new ideas pop inside my head sometimes. This new idea called maximum booster grade, times max. Is able to make me go max power, which is 1000% without any backlash." Izuku simply said. "Then how come when you came back from god knows where, you passed out on the spot." "Well it was because it was my first time. I can only use that for ten or twenty minutes. I can't cut off whenever, so I'm stuck with it. But for some reason I have absolute control over this new power. It's scary." Izuku said while shivering slightly. All might just laughed. "Yes, yes. That is indeed scary." Izuku and all might started laughing. "Shut it you too. You are in a hospital because you injured yourself." RG Said annoyed.

~so that's the end of that. Hope you enjoyed it and see ya next chapt~

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