chapter 1:izuku midoriya

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In a world where power defines who you are. How popular you are, how much money you get and where you stand in the world. 80% of the population has this power which in other terms are called quirks. As to say the other twenty of the population is considered quirkless or worthless. But not for this boy. This boy didn't care if he was quirkless or not, he still wants to achieve his dream of becoming the number one hero. And this boy name is.........

"IZUKU MIDORIYA, WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" a woman in the distance screamed. The said boy was on his bed groaning. "Aaaugghhh, but mom. I don't see why I need school. I'm the smartest one there and plus I'm tired of the bull.......of the students being so incompetent." The green headed boy known as izuku Midoriya said. When izuku got up off the bed, you could tell he works out alot. His physique is strong for his age, especially if your fifteen. Izuku was waking up for another day or last day of school, before he has to go to the school he always dreamed of going. U.A. or yuuei. Yuuei is a school for heros in training and as you can see, only people with quirks can achieve going. Izuku knew that he won't be accepted into Yuuei because of him not having a quirk, but that won't be enough to stop him from being a hero. Izuku did his morning routine, quick exercise, quick shower, quick breakfast and change of clothes and out the door to his "hell" as izuku calls it. Since izuku is quirkless, he gets bullied for it, beaten for it everyday. He would like to fight back and he could, but that would ruin his whole purpose of being a hero. He claims that "heroes stops villains not bullies." So he lets bullies bully him just so he could get stronger, but it is also weakening him at the same time.

-izuku p.o.v.-

Once I arrived at my "hell" I rushed to my seat near the window at the back. "hey, DEKU. What the fuck you doing here. How many times do I gotta tell you, quirkless people aren't allowed in MY school!!" My childhood friend katsuki bakugo said. Well I shouldn't actually say friend no more because now he is just my number 1 bully. I looked at katsuki in the eye and said with a bored tone "I would LOVE too, but sadly my mom won't let me, so deal with it, katsuki." Katsuki flinched but hid it quickly. "Why you damn DE-" katsuki was cut off by the teacher entering. "Hello class, how is today's morning so far. Is it good?" The teacher said while walking to his desk and sitting down, throwing a stack of papers on it. Everyone mostly nodded or said hai. The teacher than jumped up off his desk and said " well I could tell you are all ready for high school, correct?" The teacher exclaimed once again. Everyone started shouting and showing off there quirks. "Yes, yes calm down, and you all know better then to show off your quirk in school........but today I don't care, rock out." The teacher said as he threw the papers on the floor. "HEY TEACH, DON'T SUM ME UP WITH THESE FUCKING EXTRAS." katsuki screamed at everyone in particular. I kept minding my own business, looking out the window like it's the most astonishing thing ever. I mean... the clouds look nice. Is that a di-

"Yes, yes. Now katsuki stop cursing and I heard that you are applying for yuuei, correct." The teacher said while having a grin plastered on his face. Everyone starting whispering saying "oh yeah his quirk is strong" or "yeah he is strong so he'll definitely make it in." Katsuki was grinning madly "hell yeah I am. Imma be the number one hero. Imma be better than all you fuckers." The teacher than looked at a paper he picked off out of no where and said "Oh, it seems that Midoriya has also applied for yuuei." Katsuki looked beyond pissed. I looked at katsuki with a bored expression as he walked towards me activating his quirk and slammed his hand on the table. "WHAT THE FUCK DEKUUUU!! YOU CANT BE NO FUCKING HERO YOU QUIRKLESS PIECE OF SHIT. WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCKING DIE AND PRAY THAT YOU EARN A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" katsuki then kicked the table so that I could fall back with the table on my chest. Katsuki then picked me up by the shirt and threw me to the wall. I took a quick glance at the class as everyone moved away from me and katsuki. Some smirking, laughing or just ignoring what's happening. I got mad at that, so out of blind rage, I punched Katsuki in the gut and threw him out the window unintentionally. When the crash was heard, my anger than turned into fear, absolute fear. I wasn't ready to kill someone, and heroes don't kill people anyway. (Unless your batman or red hood or Deadpool or wolverine or whatever) my body then moved on its own, I jumped out the window and dived, and once I was close enough I reached out my hand and grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me and turned in mid-air and let my back take all the impact. "Guahhhh!!" Blood splattered out of my mouth. "Crap, what the hell man. I can't die like this. I still need to be the #1 hero." I thought to myself as everything went black.

I woke up to the sound of foot steps. Lights were going in and out of vision. I tried to open my eyes and move only for me to black out again with a major hit to my head.

Once I woke up again, I tried to move but my moves were restrained. I felt something metal like make noise and I realized I was shackled to the wall. "W-where am i?" I said to myself actually hoping for someone to not answer. But it seems my luck sucks. "Hello Midoriya, it seems you are finally awake." A man with a suit on said with the body of a purple mist. "How was your sleep." "What do you want from me and where am I?" The Misty figure just squinted and shakes his head. "You are in the league of villains lair. I am Kurogiri, the black fog and you are in our custody until we decide to let you loose. I'm not the torture type but if you don't do as we say my associate Shigaraki will torment you till the very end. Understand Midoriya?" I looked at Kurogiri with a blank expression, hoping I could hide the fear that slowly creeped up my face. I need to get out of here, I want to be the number 1 hero, and I will complete my dream no matter what. Since middle school was practically over I needed to get out, I only have a few months before high school starts and those few months will be absolute hell.

-four weeks later-

The pain, the pain, THE PAIN, THE PAIN "stop it dammit it fucking hurtsss!" I screamed as I was then shot in the knee with a pistol, cut on my left bicep and punched repeatedly in the face. I was being tortured by twice and with him it's just terrible. Toga would fuck me to the very end, Dabi would burn me till my skin was peeled off and shiragaki would just decay me piece by piece. I felt dead and alive. I know for a fact I died but was reborn again and again. The only thing I focused on was the fact I gained quirks but these quirks were from dead people. I had shockwave absorption, regeneration, super strength, and super speed. We were now going on a mission, I was there nomu but I would never listen, so I decided that today would be the day I escape.

"Alright shit heads, me and my few creations will attack yuuei and destroy it. Right Midoriya?" Shiragaki said while eyeing me deadly. "Fuck off. I don't have a choice so what say do I get." I said to him with a scowl in place. Shiragaki started to laugh "Your right so don't wear such a face. And try to to escape. I will hunt you down till the end of time. You are by far the strongest creation ever. Built for all might. Now let's go!!" Shiragaki said while he motioned towards Kurogiri who opened up a portal and waited for everyone to enter.

Once through, my heart clenched. I couldn't believe that the school I wanted to attend so bad would be the school I would destroy. I looked down in sadness then I had an idea. If I take the buildings layer into my advantage, I could find a hero who could take this chain off of me and run away with the hero or trap the villains so they could go to jail. I smiled quickly before I turned it back to sadness. I need to put on a façade for now, so no one will suspect anything. "Alright number four go with Midoriya and three will go with me and one and two will go with Kurogiri. Understood and no funny shit either..... Midoriya." Shiragaki said eyeing me closely. "Dispatch. Go, go and make sure you kill anyone you see." Kurogiri than opened up three different portals for three different locations. Me and four entered and well let's just say it didn't look good.

~well hello guys, I decided to make another story. btw I don't know who to ship. Someone tell me or do some vote shit or I'm just gonna go random. I really don't know who I should pair with izuku. Well see ya next chapt~

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