~ may 4 ~

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i've started sending dylan to daycare since i wouldn't be able to be with him once your starts. my parents are dead and i really don't have any family.
"be a good boy dylan sweetie! mommy loves you!" i kiss his forehead and smile. he giggled then started crying. i walk out to the parking lot and i see daniels tesla parked next to my bmw.
"daniel?" i whisper to myself. i brush the thought off and then i unlock my car and settle in it since i was in a hurry to pack. i started to back out of the parking lot until someone popped out of my back seat and scared the fucking shit out of me.
"HEY!!" daniel yelled.
"hey ow! i'm sorry i wanted to surprise you since i haven't seen you in like a month." he explains while rubbing his arm.
"don't scare my like that. and how the fuck did you get in my car?" i question him suspiciously.
"it was unlocked." he shrugged. i sighed.
"daniel, i have to pack for tour today, i'm in a hurry too so you're just distracting me. so get outta my car and go home!" i say.
"okay fine.. bye, have fun on tour..." he sadly gets out of the car and gets into his. i drive home and start packing.
•1 hour later•
the door bell rings.
"coming!" i yell as i run up to the door.
"package for y/n y/l/n?" the mailman asks.
"that's me!" i say. i sign the paper and take the package from him then thank him.
i shut the door and walked into the living room to set the box on the table. i sit on the couch and stare at the box. this was it. whatever that box had, it will either excite, relive, upset, or disappoint me... i start to lift the lid up when i heard my phone ring. i pick up.
"hello?" i ask.
"y/n? your flight leaves in a half hour where are you?? traffic is hell!" anna yells at me.
"hey, i'm sorry i just got the box..." i breathe out.
"did you find out? you went through hell and back to get everyone's samples. i just hope that you get the results you want." anna says.
"yeah. you're right i did go through hell and back. i had to see that fucking nasty as bitch and his two disgusting friends who helped him abuse me." i shudder and shrug.
"yeah. don't be too long, we gotta go since were supposed to check into a hotel." anna reminds me.
"i'm gonna be there soon. if we're behind schedule it's okay. show isn't til tomorrow afternoon so we still have time. i gotta go now." i say bye to her and hang up.
while setting my phone on the table, i just sat there and stared at that box. i kept looking at my phone and switching between it and the box. thinking about whether or not i should call daniel.
"fuck it." i picked up my phone and called him. he picked up almost immediately.
"hey y/n! how you doing?" he asks.
"the results came back..." i said.
"what did they say?!" daniel was surprised.
"i don't know, i haven't even opened the box yet." i hesitated.
"do you want me to be there or something?" daniel assumes.
"yeah, you read my mind. can you come?" i asked.
"i don't know, can i?" daniel said. i hear a knock on the door.
"someone's at my door, lemme go check." i walk up to the door and open it to reveal a daniel standing there.
"perfect timing." i hang up the call.
"i was gonna help you pack, but we'll do the dna results first." daniel smiles.
daniel walks in and sees the brown rectangular shaped box.
"this large box just for my sample and results?" he asks.
"well... the other people i've had sexual experiences with too.." i sat next to him. he opens it t reveal 4 more boxes.
"who's the first victim?" he asks.
"y/ex/n." i say.
"got it... we are here to inform you that y/ex/n and dylan y/l/n are not father and son." daniel reads. i was relieved. i hated him so much.
"that just lifted a weight off my chest." i smile.
"next victim, is... Gavin. we are here to inform you that Gavin Hayes and dylan y/l/n are not father and son." i was even more relieved. daniel was getting anxious so he just skipped to his own.
"we are here to inform you that daniel seavey and dylan y/l/n are... father and son." daniel read out loud. i just sat there. it didn't affect me much. daniel just looked at me. in his eyes he told the story of hurt and pain. through his facial expression he was broken. through his body posture he was confused.
"why did you keep him away? why would you ever think about aborting him?" daniel eyes filled with tears. i raise my hands up to his shoulders to speak.
"daniel-" i speak out.
"NO STOP! i don't wanna be in your life now. glad you pushed me away. you really are so stuck up and full of yourself." i stare at him in disbelief. we both stood up. i started to get violent. so i shoved him hard onto the ground.
"SHUT UP!! it was my choice whether or not i would keep dylan. you really don't have a say in it because you weren't the one carrying him in your womb for 8 1/2 months!! do you know dylan has a disorder? he was born and spent 3 weeks in the hospital because he couldn't breath regularly." i tear up. daniel felt no sympathy for me and he screamed more hurtful things at me.
"guess we know his own mother gave him that. since she had anxiety attacks regularly. she can't control her emotions or actions. she's nothing. you'll never be as big as me." daniel said. i punched him until he started bleeding. i looked at my hand and i was in shock.
"get the fuck out of my life." daniel threw the results at me and then stormed out of my house.
i counted to 50 before screaming. i knocked everything off of the counter and left the house in a mess by the time i was done with my rage. i thought about committing it so i took the sharpest piece of glass and stabbed myself in chest. not in my heart, but close to it. i was losing lots of blood, but i didn't care. i took another piece of glass and stabbed myself again, near the heart.
"fuck this hurts..." i sobbed. i hurt the breathe. the door opened again and it was daniel. i just watched me coughing on the floor. he was surprised how i got the place to be this much of a mess in such a short time. he was looking for his keys. they were the only thing that weren't knocked down from the kitchen counter which was in front of me.
"there they are." daniel whispered. i let go of the glass and put both of my hands on the floor in front of me. blood spattered as i slammed my hands on the ground. daniel looked at me and screamed.
"what the fuck did you do this time??" i laid on the floor while he held my near lifeless body. why am i like this? i like being hurt or near death. daniel dialed 9-1-1 and told them where we were and what situation we were in. his voice was shaking so i could tell he was scared shitless. he didn't know what to do next.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck..." daniel said repeatedly. i coughed again.
"no no no don't cough.." daniel whispers shakily. his breathing was shallow.

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