~ june 8 part 2 ~

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•y/n's pov•
"y/n... and corbyn?" daniels eyes widened at me and corbyn. daniel moves out of the way to let me be wheeled in.
"this your room?" corbyn asked.
"yeah." i barely spoke. corbyn picked me up and laid me down on my bed and tucked me in. daniel walks in and stutters.
"y/n- how- how are you?" he says.
"ah! ooh! ah! ooh ooh!" dylan coos. i smiled.
"hi baby!" i softly say and dylan laughs.
"daniel, can you give her the kid?" corbyn says.
"his name is dylan. he's her son." daniel says.
"just give her the kid daniel." corbyns firmly repeats. daniels walks up to me and hands me dylan. dylan cries and doesn't let go of daniel.
"shh it's okay baby, it's okay." i attempt to calm him.
"dada!" dylan sobs. i stared at daniel then at corbyn. corbyns face lit up in shock.
"dylan, no-" i pull him away from daniel.
"y/n, let him go!" daniel shouts. i ignore him and grip onto dylan.
"you'll hurt yourself, you should be putting a ton of stress on yourself sweetheart." corbyn says.
"dylan no, bad." i say.
"so you moved on? huh.. okay. dylan, dada is going bye bye." he says. daniel leaves.
"noooo!" dylan throws a fit. he starts sobbing louder. daniel sits in the living room. i start to feed dylan.
"i'm so confused. you said you had a kid but you never told me daniel was the dad." corbyn asked. i felt my face flush red and burning up.
"can you go talk to him? dylan's gonna go into food coma after this and i'll probably sleep too." i say. corbyn nods and walks out to the living room, gently closing the door behind him. i finally finished feeding dylan and i adjust my shirt back to how it was. i lay dylan next to me and i turn to face him. i rested my hand on my head and watched him sleep. he was bigger than i remember. i smiled at the thought my little boy was growing up and then i slowly fell asleep as well.

•daniels pov•
i was watching tv like the dad i was when corbyn approached me. i pause the show and look at corbyn as he sits by me.
"seriously bro? what about christina?" i ask under my breath.
"chill dude. it's not like i'm dating y/n." corbyn says.
"and what the fuck about us?" i asked upsettingly.
"look bro. i love you. a lot, but sometimes it's just not the right place or time to show it." corbyn whispered in my ear. i gasped in agreement and smiled.
"but i wanted to talk to you about something. you and y/n? are you guys okay?" corbyn asked. i instantaneously frowned and crossed my arms.
"i don't wanna talk about it..." i say.
"daniel. please? maybe talking about it will help?" corbyn suggests. i sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. corbyn and i leaned back onto the couch and then he put both arms around me and squeezing me tight before kissing my head.
"she was gonna abort dylan. i don't know why would could think that. but it's their choice i guess..." i sighed heavily.
"why do you care so much about her and dylan?" corbyn asks.
"corbyn..." i sat up.
"i'm listening." he assures me.
"dylan's my son... by blood." i finally said. corbyn stared at me. he took my hands and held them.
"your genes did well." he kissed my hands and we heard a door open. it was y/n. corbyn and i quickly adjusted the way we were sitting and looked at y/n. corbyn stood up.
"hey why didn't you tell me you were getting up?" he asks y/n.
"i'm fine i'm getting a midnight snack and then we're gonna be okay. there's a guest bedroom for you guys to sleep in." she was annoyed. she took out the baby food from the pantry and wheeled herself back to the room.
"you can go, i'll stay. what if dylan wakes up in the middle of the night you know?" i tell corbyn. corbyn nods and goes into the guest bedroom. y/n was struggling to get back on the bed so i went in and helped her.
"thanks..." she blandly said.
i took off my shirt and picked up dylan. i laid him in his crib and tucked him in. i kissed his forehead and smiled. next, i laid in the bed next to y/n. i scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her.
"daniel... im sorry." she says.
"for what?" i was partially confused.
"sorry for any pain i've ever caused you." her voice started to break.
"hey sh sh sh shhh, you don't have to cry, im not worth your tears." i tell her. i kiss her cheek and then i hum her a sweet and soft tune. it was the same tune as dylan's lullaby song. she calmed down and the next thing i knew was she and i were passed out.

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