~ june 9 ~

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•y/n's pov•
i was awoken to the sound of crying dylan. i looked at the clock. it read 3:42am.
"sh sh sh, you're gonna wake up mommy." daniel tries to rock him to calm him down/ he continues to cry. daniel lifts him up and sniffs his booty. i laughed quietly.
"nope. not the diaper. uhh..." he mumbles to himself. daniel continues to rock dylan. not working. he starts playing with him. dylan's cries grew louder. the door opened.
"daniel can you make him quiet down? i can't sleep." corbyn mumbles groggily.
"i don't know what to do! i've only taken care of him for like a month and i still can't take care of him or know what he needs!" daniel says. corbyn walks up to him and takes dylan from daniel. corbyn coos at him and he calms down softly.
"im such a horrible dad..." daniel sighs as he sits on the bed.
"hey, just because you can't quite your own son down doesn't mean you're a bad dad." corbyn reassures him. dylan starts crying again. i couldn't bear laying on the bed silent any longer.
"have you tried asking me? a mother can differentiate cries." i say.
"he woke you up too?" daniel says. i nod.
"i've been awake since you sniffed his butt." i laugh. daniels face turned red.
"i was checking to see if he had a dirty diaper!" he pouts.
"y/n, can you fix him?" corbyn hands him to me.
"yeah, he's just hungry." i smile. i grabbed the baby food and the rubber ended spoon off my nightstand and then start to feed dylan. he eats up the food quickly. i turn him in my arms so that his back is facing the ceiling. i pat him gently until he burps. i got up and winced in pain.
"agh!" i forgot i was hurt still.
"hey hey hey easy. you lay down i'll get dylan back to his crib." daniel shoots up and walks around the bed to get dylan. he takes dylan from my arms and carries him over to his crib.
"ow ow ow ow owwww!" i cried. i tried to lay back down but i couldn't without being in more pain.
"babe, i'll help you in a sec, hold on." daniel says. he gently sets sleeping dylan back in his crib and then runs over to help me. daniel lays me on the bed then gets over me. his face was close.
"alright, that's my cue to leave." corbyn turns around and closes the door behind him.
"hey." daniel said in a low whisper. i felt my heart melt.
"hey." i replied. before i knew it, his lips were on mine and we were making out. he pulls away from me and then i smile and lick my lips.
"i'm sorry..." i felt guilty.
"no, i'm sorry. i'm the one who said those awful words to you and i really didn't mean to. it's my fault for triggering that kind of behavior from you." he says. i looked away. he lays next to me and lets me breathe.
"hey..." he drives my chin back to him.
"i love you. so much. and i really, truly, am so sorry. i never meant for you to have to go to the hospital. if i wouldn't have come in, i probably wouldn't know what i would do without you. you're my pride and my joy and if i lost you, i'd lose it all. you're my everything and you're my love for the rest of my life. i'm grateful for you and i'm grateful for our beautiful son dylan." he smiled.
he kisses my nose and i looked away again. i was trying to avoid eye contact with him because i knew that if i looked at him, i was gonna break down and start crying. he was confused and i could feel his heart anxiously beating. that one heartbeat pace where you feel like you did something wrong and felt guilty for your actions. then he engulfs me in a tight hug.
"its all my fault!" i choked up as i started sobbing.
"no it's nobody's fault. it's just the way it is." daniel says. i sniffle at him and then continue to cry in his chest. i sings me dylan's lullaby and it calms me down. after a few minutes my eyelids start getting heavy and then before i know it, i'm asleep in daniel's arms.
dylan woke me up crying. i didn't want daniel to feel bad for me and take care of him, but i got up, even though it hurt really bad.m, and i walked over to his crib. i lightly pick dylan up. then i started crying. i dont know why i just started to cry with him. i was probably experiencing port-partum.
"y/n? why are you cry-" daniel shot up.
"hey, sweetheart, no don't stand, please you need to rest." daniel stands up and takes dylan from me.
"no daniel, i haven't seen my child in so long. i barely could breathe without him." i sob. dylan stopped crying and watched me cry.
"ag ooh ah?" dylan coos. daniel looks at him.
"mommy's crying, yeah..." daniel says upsettingly. i look at him and sniffle. he wipes away my tears and then takes dylan from me.
"no-" i choke.
"y/n, he has to be in safe arms." daniel walks away from me.
"safe arms? what the fuck are safe arms supposed to mean?" i storm out to daniel.
"what the fuck do you mean safe arms?" i held my wound and winced slightly.
"why are you walking around, you have a wheelchair for a reason." daniel says. i storm over to corbyn who was in the guest room and knock on the door. he opens to door and i walk in laying on the messy bed. he closes the door and sits next to me.
"sorry for barging in while i'm wounded still. but i can believe daniel. 7 hours ago, he was caring and sweet. loving and charmed. but now all of a sudden he doesn't care about what i do? he started saying shit like i don't have safe arms?" i huffed.
"he has a point. in the past you've cut before and you've even tried to kill your self multiple times in the past year... even while you were pregnant..." corbyn says the last part in a low whisper.

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