~ october 12 part 2 ~

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i pulled up to jonah's garage and parked my car. i still had fresh tears from crying during the whole drive. as i took my keys out of the ignition, i closed the car door and proceeded to walk up to his door. i rung the doorbell then knocked. not even 5 seconds go by and jonah's already standing at the door.
"y/n? what's wrong?! why are you crying??" he pulled me into a hug while i started to cry even more. it was more muffled sobs since my face was in his chest.
"let's go in. i'll get you a blanket and fix you up some hot cocoa." jonah released me from the hug and let me into his warm home. he shut the door and turned on my favorite show. a few minutes later he brought me a blanket.
"here's the blanket. it's my favorite one." he smiled as he threw the blanket over me then sat down.
"i'll be making hot cocoa in the kitchen and you tell me what happened if you're confortable with saying anything." he smiled and gave me a hug. i looked at him and nodded.
"i don't want hot cocoa. do you have red wine?" i asked.
"yeah, it's in the basement. hold on, i'll be back." he got up and headed down to the basement. i continued to stare aimlessly into the tv. jonah sat down next to me and set two wine glasses on the table which startled me a bit.
"woah there, it's just me. here's the wine." he poured half a glass for each of us. i took the glass and clinked it with jonah's glass. i downed the whole glass at once and took it like a shot.
"woah there, calm down, this is the strong kind." jonah says.
"pour me another glass." i demanded.
"in exchange for the reason you were crying?" he asks me.
"daniel yelled at me." i say. he poured more wine into my glass.
"what for?!" jonah asked. i downed the entire glass immediately.
"gimme another glass and i'll say." he poured another glass and gave it to me. i downed the whole glass a third time.
"because i'm pregnant and didn't tell him so he started yelling at me for lying to him." jonah took away my glass and closed up the wine bottle.
"why are you drinking then!!! you know that's bad for you when you're pregnant!" jonah said.
"jonah just let me be! i was gonna get rid of this kid anyways. even though daniel doesn't want me to." i sighed.
"then go to the doctors and get it removed. or i could buy you a plan b?" jonah offered support.
"but after what daniel said, i need to keep the baby." i teared up.
"hey hey hey no no, don't cry. do whatever you think is best for you." jonah says as he wipes my tears away.
"can i sleep over?" my voice broke.
"of course. i'll always be here for you when you need me. do you want me to fix up a bed for you and you can go nap now?" jonah was so sweet.
"please?" i say.
•1am; jonahs pov•
i finished making y/n a bed. i went out to the living room.
"hey y/n, i have the bed-" i saw her and she was asleep. i gently picked her up with my blanket and carried her to the bed. i tucked her in and shut the blinds so the sun wasn't in her way.
"sleep well." i whispered to her before closing the door lightly.
i went to shut off the tv when i heard another knock at the door. i opened it to reveal a corbyn standing there.
"daniel is here too with dylan. we all need to talk." he says.

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