One Week Later

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A/N: I live in DC and the hospital they were in is based on Georgetown University Hospital


Keith took a deep breath and pressed the buzzer outside the apartment entry. Lance's voice came on.

"McClain residence, who is this?"

"Lance, you're literally looking at my face." He said, looking at the security camera. Lance pressed the button to unlock the door.

"I'll meet you in the lobby." He said, pulling on shoes and closing the apartment door to access the elevator. He rode it all the way down to the ground floor and stepped out.

"Hey." Keith said.

"Hiya." Lance replied, stepping back inside the elevator and holding the door open. When they got to the sixth floor, they stepped out and Lance opened the door. "Ma! Keith's here."

Keith walked in and looked around. "This is a cool place." He said, walking towards the large windows that led to a balcony. Lance brought Keith to the living room where a girl was watching tv. He turned it off and looked at Keith. "This is Sadie."

"Hi, Sadie." Keith waved.

"Sadie, can you wave?" Lance asked, using sign language. Sadie waved and then turned the tv back on. Lance shrugged. "That was pretty good. Autism means that she is more self-inverted and all sorts of stuff but she is my baby sister and I love her." He said, placing a kiss on Sadie's head, which she did not seem to like. Lance laughed.

Mrs. McClain walked out from another room. "Lance, I made your bed. Can you make it yourself next time? It's really not my job-" She smiled. "Hello, Keith."

"Hello, Mrs. McClain."

"How are you doing, Keith? I hear so much about you."

"Hopefully good things."

She nodded and grinned. "Always."

"Okay well Keith and I are going on a date. We'll be back by 7. Let's go, Keith." He rushed.

Keith laughed. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lance grinned. "I haven't seen you in a week." He leaned over in the elevator and kissed Keith's cheek. They held hands and walked out into the lobby. "Do you like frozen yogurt?"

"Who doesn't?"

Lance laughed. "Sadie." The laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's a sensory thing. Autism's a bitch sometimes."

They sat outside in the Fall air on Connecticut Avenue, across from the zoo.

"I need to show you something." Lance said, rolling up the sleeve of his sweater. "Look." He said, "My arm is almost completely healed."

Keith smiled. "That's good, Lance."

"I know." Lance laughed.

They ate their yogurt and talked about life after the hospital. Keith was doing well; he had passed his book report with a B+, which is impressive considering he did it in a hospital. Lance returned to school and his mother found a therapist that was in their insurance plan. After eating, they got onto the metro to go to the National Mall, which is a big park across from the Washington monument. Keith held the door for Lance to the metro car and they took a seat. Keith looked at the train map on the wall and made sure to get off at "metro center" to access the tall escalators into the fall sunshine.

Lance wrapped the scarf that hung loosely, around his neck and put his left hand in the pocket of his jacket, taking Keith's hand in the other. They walked down the sidewalk and stomped on every crunchy, bright, and vulnerable leaf.

"It still feels weird to be out of the hospital." Keith admitted.

Lance squeezed Keith's hand. "Tell me about it."

"I got so used to being told what to do that I don't even know what to do now."

Lance sighed. "I know, man. I was there for 4 months."

Keith laughed lightly. "Yeah. You were there for a while. Who was your roommate after me?"

"Didn't have one."


"Yep. Brad wanted to put me in the single but I objected so I just stayed in our room and packed my stuff and waited for Thursday to come around."

"You're glad you're out though, right?"

Lance bit his lip. "Actually- I don't know. Everything was easier in the hospital but now I can be with you and I think that's progress."

Keith stopped and kissed Lance's cheek. "It's all going to be okay. We've got this."

Lance smiled. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. I believe in you."

Lance took Keith's other hand and looked at him. "I believe in you too."

Keith felt himself blush. He held hands with the love of his life and in happy anticipation took his hands away and placed them on Lance's face to pull him into a kiss. In Keith's boots was something familiar. He wore his hospital socks and Lance wore his. It was a secret they both knew. Lance rested his head on Keith's forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."


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2 Weeks to Freedom- A Klance Hospital FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now