Kisses and Stars

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I was rooted to the spot in a sea of drunken dancing teenagers, staring down at the man.

A warm, calloused hand on my bare shoulder brought me out of my stupor. Now that he stood beside me, I was a dwarf compared to him and his natural masculinity was almost intimidating. His brows were drawn together in worry.

"You okay? You haven't said a word for the past two minutes," he yelled to be heard over the music.

I turned to him, hoping my eyes would convey all the gratitude in the world, "I -"

"Hey! I brought you a water from the bar."

I turned to find Kaden standing with a smile on his face and two water bottles in hand. He must have seen the expression on my face because his smile fell, almost comically. His gazed was fixed on the man on the ground.

His face registered shock. "Is he. . .?" He gaped.

If my heart hadn't still been racing from the fear and anger of being held against my will, I would have gladly answered his question. If my hands weren't still trembling; if he hadn't left me...

"Whose girl's ass did he grab toni - " he began jokingly.

Before he finished, I smacked the water bottle out of his hand, glaring at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw 'M guy' trying to hide his smile behind a tanned hand.

I turned my glare on him.

"This isn't funny," I half snarled at him.

"It is for your boyfriend." He crossed muscled arms over his chest, glancing at Kaden before looking back at me.

"Boyfriend?" Kaden and I yelled in unison. Now we both stood with hips cocked, giving him a glare.

He raised his arms in surrender. "Sorry, I only assumed. My bad," his arms came down to his sides and eyes met mine, "But I was only trying to help and making sure you were okay."

My heart squeezed and I hugged myself . "I'm sorry. Thank you."

"What happened?" Kaden asked, stepping closer and tentatively gave me a side hug. I stiffened at his touch but allowed myself to thaw. I was mad, but I came to realize that my emotions were set to push the wrong person away. I sent a resigned glare at the still form on the dance floor. People were looking down at him now. Others saw him as just one more passed out drunk to add to the list and continued to dance. I just wanted to get away from there.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I looked up and found warm brown eyes stooped at my level. I nodded, holding the contact.

"Come on," Kaden was pulling me away, "let's go find Simone, so we can get out of here." At the sound of her name, I flinched. She's busy, I wanted to say. I let it go. We shouldered through the crowd and I didn't look back.

When we found Simone she was sitting on a drunken Jace's lap, sipping away at a margarita. Marcus was equally lounged across one of the cushioned seats around the booth, his foot tapping the air in rhythm.

"Guys!" Simone yelled - which sounded more like "Geese!" to us now that we were coming down from the drug induced high - and reached out to us from her human seat.

"What's wrong, guys?" Simone asked, removing herself from Jace's lap and came stumbling toward us. I shifted my eyes to the floor for fear that she'd see the envy emanating from my entire being.

Luckily, Kaden saved me from opening my mouth, "Sky's had a rough night. It alright if we leave?" He glanced at Jace and Marcus.

I felt the intensity of Simone's gaze on me but my eyes were focused on a crack I found in one of the many tiles on the floor.

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