Baby Powder?

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The scent of smoke peppered the air as we stepped out of the family van onto the Whitemore's cramped street. The driveway leading up to the front door was packed; adults milling around with drinks in their hands and toddlers playing in the grass.

I scanned the yard for a sign of Kaden's presence but was disappointed when I came to the conclusion that he hadn't arrived as yet.

The grill was already fired up, hence the smoke, and as we stepped through the wrought iron gate, Armando spotted us. He waved us over as he turned a chicken breast on the grill with a pair of tongs he wielded as if it was a weapon.

"You guys are just in time! Simone's still up in her room Sky. Mind getting her for me? I need her to help with the serving," he asked distractedly, taking some burgers off the grill and sliding them into a covered container.

"Sure. I'll be back down soon," I informed mom with a touch on her shoulder as I walked away from the delicious promise of food. 

The sound of voices grew distant as I stepped through the front door into the living room. A smile graced my lips as I thought of the last time I was here and the railing incident with Sally. I peered around furniture in case she was lounging under one of the tables as I made my way through the house in search of Simone.

The house in itself was marvelously decorated. As I ascended the stairs slowly, I admired the photos that adorned the wall.

I stood on a step halfway up and studied each photograph that hung on the wall. There were some of Simone as she played in the grass with a white boarded home in the background. There were many more of Simone and her dad skiing, dressed in scuba diving ensemble with flippers to complete them. I smiled at the toothy grin Simone wore. Her eyes were focused on something or someone behind the lenses. 

Then my eyes drifted to a frame that stood out from all the rest. It was laced with gold and green frilled lace around the edges. The photo was taken on the front porch of the house I lurked in. Although the outside walls had been a pasty green then, the wooden door was the same.

A woman of color and such beauty that rivaled that of the goddess of Love stared back at me. She was dressed in bright blue jeans and a soft white top that billowed out as the wind blew making it look as if she was airborne as she held onto the column on the porch, leaning away from it. She was tall. Her brown full lips were pulled back into a wide grin complimenting her high cheekbones. Her kinky halo-like afro was pushed back with a white head band. She reminded of -

"That's my mom."

Simone stood at the top of the staircase with her hair in afro puffs and a towel wrapped around her body. A blush worked its way up my neck when I saw her leg peeking out from the opening the towel made.

"She's beautiful." I commented, glancing at the photo one last time.

"Dad took that about a year after they built the house," she shifted to keep the towel from slipping - Oh God, "she was in love with this place." Her gaze bounced around the hall before they landed on me. With her standing there, even in just a towel, her hair still wet from a shower and barefoot; she was beautiful.

It's only been a week. The voice in my head was an ever present little pest stating the obvious.

"Your dad sent me for you," I said softly.

"Clearly I'm not ready." She gestured to her dark green towel that hid her from view.

"Yeah. I'll be downstairs when you're done," I made to turn away.

"No, why don't you come up instead? Help me pick out something to wear."

I turned to look up at her with slightly rounded eyes. "You sure?" I asked, standing there like an idiot.

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