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"I THINK JIMIN IS LYING TO ME." Taehyung told Jeongguk the next day at school.

Jeongguk glanced over at the older as he grabbed his books from his locker, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why do you think that?" He asked.

"Because he has been disappearing at the same time every day and returning at the same time every night." Taehyung replied, leaning against the lockers, his gaze meeting Jeongguk's. "I even talked to him about it on Friday and my gut feeling just tells me that he's hiding something from me."

"Hmmm..." Jeongguk trailed off, closing his locker before adding, "Well what did he say when you asked?"

"First he said he was just going for a late night swim but I caught him lying about that because he has a tell that lets me know when he isn't being honest with me. After that though, he said he was just going to visit his family but they live all the way in the oce- in Daegu, so I feel like he is still lying to me." Taehyung told Jeongguk, sighing loudly.

"That is a bit weird if you ask me. Does he have any family in Busan maybe?" The younger asked, leaning against his locker, his body facing Taehyung completely.

"No he doesn't. At least I don't think he does."

"Maybe you should ask him." Jeongguk replied, quickly adding, "I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet, Tae. He is your best friend, you know? At least give him the benefit of the doubt."

Taehyung smiled softly, looking down at the younger with a kind of fondness. "Yeah, maybe you're right. Thank you, Gguk."

"Always here to help." Jeongguk grinned, tilting his head to motion for Taehyung to follow him as he started down the hallway.

They walked in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Sometimes Jeongguk could feel Taehyung looking at him, but he tried his best not to notice it because he would only end up blushing like a mad man.

Right before they were about to head to English class they were interrupted by two people who haven't spoken to Jeongguk in weeks.

"Hey, Jeonggukie!" Wonho yelled, running up to the younger with a wide smile, Yoongi following after him.

Jeongguk turned around, his expression going from happy to annoyed in seconds. Taehyung noticed it almost instantly and it made him upset because they haven't bothered to talk to their "best friend" in days.

"What do you two want?" He asked, holding his books tightly to his chest, his knuckles turning completely white. Taehyung sighed softly, placing his hand on Jeongguk's shoulder, a silent way of telling the younger to calm down and he did.

"Oh man. What's wrong with you?" Wonho asked, his smile turning into a frown. Yoongi glanced at Taehyung before looking at Jeongguk.

"You really have to ask that like you don't know?" Jeongguk scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Uh yeah, because obviously we're both clueless as to why you sound angry with us." Wonho replied, raising an eyebrow before glancing at Taehyung out of the corner of his eye.

"Maybe because you both haven't talked to me in weeks! You have completely ignored me ever since school started. I'm supposed to be your best friend but it doesn't feel like it at all." Jeongguk replied, his breathing getting heavier.

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