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THERE WAS A TIME when Jeongguk was younger that everything around him was much brighter and full of energy. His parents were happy, and so was he. In a way, the sixteen year old missed those days; when there were so many possibilities. So much hope.

Things changed once Jeongguk's father found out his mother was pregnant with another child. He never wanted kids to begin with, but she did, so they had a boy and they were happy. Everything was good.

They started fighting soon after they found out they were having another baby; all the happiness the household felt before quickly vanished. It was difficult enough as it is to support three people, let alone four. So they argued and argued and argued until one day the noise stopped and his father was gone.

But before he even left, which was after Rosie was born, they continued to fight over money problems and how they were going to raise another child under those conditions.

"We can make this work, Vic. We will do our best to support our children. That's what parents do, isn't it?" Jeongguk's mother told his father, a small smile on her lips.

But there was no trace of happiness on the man's face as he looked at his wife. "We can barely support ourselves. You're going to have to give the child up." He replied.

"I will do no such thing! Is it that easy for you to do something like that?"

"Yes, it is. Because I didn't want kids in the first place! I was fine with having Jeongguk, but we're not having another child!" He yelled, a glare set in his eyes.

"I am not giving my baby girl away. I will support her on my own if I have to." Her voice was soft, sadness laced in the words she spoke.

"Then that's exactly what you'll do." He grunted before walking away, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

He didn't leave. Not then, anyway. They made up not long after that argument, but the next day they would just get back into another fight.

It was endless and Jeongguk didn't know how much more he could take. He was only five years old, about to turn six; how much sadness could a little boy handle? He resented Rosie for a while, for breaking up their family. His family. For making his parents fight every single day, for making his mother cry because of the constant arguments they got into, and for making his father leave.

But it wasn't her fault, he soon realized. She didn't know any of this was happening, so how could it be? It was his father's fault for not wanting to make things work. For only caring about money and not his own family.

Jeongguk vowed the day his father left that he would always protect his little sister. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her and he has kept his promise.

Jeongguk was holding Rosie in his arms as he sat on the bed in his room, listening to his mother plead with her husband.

He was packing his things in their bedroom, because nothing could make him stay; not even the little girl that the young boy was holding at that very moment.

Jeongguk didn't realize he was crying until a teardrop landed on Rosie's cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb gently and looked into her eyes as he sniffled.

"Don't worry, Rosie. I will always protect you." He said softly, his voice cracking from the lack of communication.

She made a small sound and grabbed Jeongguk's thumb with her tiny fingers as a reply.

"I won't let anyone hurt you the way our father did. I promise. No one will ever do this to you again." He told her, tears streaming down his face.

The young boy had no idea how his father could just leave his family like that, no questions asked. How he could leave because his little sister was born. She deserved better. They all did.

"You'll be okay, little Rosie. You'll always have me." He said gently, kissing her forehead.

She smiled up at him and he returned it before he heard the door to the house slam and his mother's crying.

Jeongguk laid in his bed at night as he remembered the days his father left them for good. He also remembered the promise he made to Rosie. Which he hasn't broken since the day he made it.

Just then, the door to his room creaked open and he glanced over to see his little sister standing in the doorway; a small smile formed on his lips.

"Kookie?" She asked softly into the darkness of his room.

"Yes, Rosie?" He replied.

"I had a nightmare." She said, before adding, "So.. I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight?"

His smile grew as he patted the spot next to him on his bed, making room for her to crawl in beside him. "Come on."

She smiled softly as she made her way over and got underneath the covers, curling up next to Jeongguk before closing her eyes.

"I'll always protect you, Rosie." He said softly, kissing her forehead.

"I know, big brother." She replied before yawning.

Soon enough, they both drifted off to sleep and the horrible memories of his younger days left his thoughts as his mind went silent. He was at peace for a time and it felt nice.


I just really wanted to add a chapter in about the day his father left, but I also wanted to let you guys see the relationship between him and his sister. They're so cute, my heart hurts ):

This chapter is extremely short compared to the others, but it's just a filler. I hope you enjoyed it. <3

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