1- Lillian

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hi! um this is a story based off a image that i thought of when i heard this one song called
"Cassette" by Temmpo. I then took that thought and molded a story around it. Also note that I am noT a professional writer, my grammar sUcks, and I cant spell so this'll be funnn.. but if I miss some things correct me or just ignore it :) ... ALSO give me feedback... I will need to improve, just comment on a section you think needs fixing ;)
hope you enjoy it :)


I walk into this grey room. I suppose it's Rogers room. He has a desk in the middle with a chair on either side, with a mic in the middle.

I sit down in the one across from him.

Roger smiles and says, "Okay when you talk, talk directly into the mic... cassettes don't have a very big range of distance from the mic. Be careful to not back away from it."

Why does it have to be a cassette? We have phones that would have a way higher quality to record on.

Roger looks up at me and asks if I'm ready and I shake my head.

"Just talk about yourself. Don't stress to hard. Start talking in... 3...2...1..." he says pressing record.

"ok um... hi I'm Lillian today's date is..February 22, 2019... My classmates, teachers, and family all call me Lily. Over time, I have come to liking my name... I think it suits me well."

I breathe in taking a second to think.

"I am 17. I'll be 18 on May 26th. I have a younger sister in 6th grade. Her name is Rachel. She's the princess of the family. You'd think because I'm older, I would be the "favorite" one but no. They say things like 'awe Rachel is gonna be so lost on her first day at middle school'. When I was absolutely terrified going into middle school. But no one really cared enough at that time. But enough about that."

I try to pick things back up again.

"I'm in my senior year at Lancer high school. I'm the type of person to have fun but also know when I need to do work. I do tend to get distracted pretty fast. You know sometimes music can be too good to just not dance to. I've passed all my classes with A's up until this point...a small thing I'm proud of. I am also very involved with school community events/projects. I think it's a good thing to help others when you know you can do a little something to change their life. Also, to be completely honest, it looks good on my resume for college- but what I said before is true."

I look at Roger trying to figure out what else to talk about.

He says "favorite hobbies" quietly trying to not be heard in the recording.

"Hobbies..hobbies- oh I like to draw. Well if you count doodling on your notebook pages as drawing then yes, I'm a professional doodle artist. I like to take photos. But only on my phone... the cameras on the iPhone are just as good if you do it right. Um I guess I should talk about my best friend, Ian."

I look up at Roger, kinda forgetting he was there, he goes, "we are running short on time, so rap it up."

I quickly state, "I guess he'll just tell about himself cause I'll end up telling you stuff that you probably don't wanna know about..." I laugh a little.

I stand up and Roger hits stop on the recorder and says, "that was great...now you can go outside and tell Ian to come in. He'll come out when he's done. Then you guys can leave. Thanks again!"

I smile, "Glad I could help!" walking out the door to go get Ian.

As I head to Roger's living room, I see Ian sitting on his phone. Probably looking at tweets or something.

"Go to Roger's room cause after you finish we get to go home" I say sitting next to him.

"Can we get food after this?" he says while slapping my leg repeatedly.

I laugh. In an attempt to calm him down I take his hands in mine.

"I don't care" I said while smiling.

"Yessss!!!" He screamed while walking to Rogers room.

What a dork.

Here is what Lily looks like...

Their faces might change a little but the main features like hair and height are the same

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Their faces might change a little but the main features like hair and height are the same.

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