"Talk into the Cassette... you'll thank me later."
Ian and Lily living out their dream in Senior year. Hoping things will change and get better for them in the future. But it's better than they expected.
Started- 8/1/19
Completed- -/-/-
While Lily was getting in the car i start to play the song 'Cinnamon by Jome'. Even though it was a softer song, that's more of my sort of vibe. I overall, enjoy any type of song .
As we are on our way to the bowling alley and I realize the time and it's 11:45am. I pull over to a Steak-n-Shake to get some lunch.
As we walk in the waiter came up to us. The waiter looks to be around 18, hasblonde hair, one dimple on her left side of her face, if she smiled hard enough, you'd see it.
She smiles, "Hi! Welcome to Steak-n-Shake! How many are you sitting today?"
I answer her saying "Just the two of us." Giving a half smile to be polite.
"Alright! Follow me right this way." She said while walking away to seat us.
Lily has been oddly quiet during that whole ordeal. She looks mad... but I might just be thinking into it a little to much.
As we were sitting there we starting talking... like we do. She seemed fine now.
"You know like Joey in that one episode... 'JOEY DOESNT SHARE FOOD!' I don't-" I was saying but then I was interrupted but a laugh... it's wasn't Lils...
"Omg!You watch friends too? We have so much in common!" the waiter says walking up from behind me.
That's weird why was she listening to our conversation? But I just gave a weirded smile and nod.
"Anyways... what would y'all like to order?" She started while pulling out her notebook to write down our orders.
"I'll have a Cheesy Bacon Steak-burger with no onions. With a Coke." I said quickly to get her out of here. I look up to Lily and she is staring at the waiter with eyes of...disgust.
Did I miss something? She finally realized me looking at her and she softened a little and said her order.
"A single steak-burger and a Coke" she said in a low tone giving me the menu.
The waiter says, "Are you sure you don't want something... I don't know, a little smaller of a meal?" while looking at her up and down.
Lily looks up at her looks as if she is gonna punch her.
I speak up "Do you think you can talk to my friend like that!?"
I stand up.
"Huh!? Let her choose what she wants! You look like you could snap from being so tiny. I love how she is comfortable in her body so don't go near her with your judge mental face... again... understand!?" I say the last part in a growl in her face.
"Now go put our orders in."
She backs up, "o-okay" and runs off to the back.
I go to sit back down and Lily looks up at me blushing a little and smiling at her lap. Man... how could I get as lucky to have a human as cute as her.
That reminds me of one time in...sophomore year.
*Flashback to homecoming sophomore year* Ian's POV...
Lily and I are at this years hoco and while we are dancing. This senior walks up to Lily and starts asking her to go and dance with her. Lily is repetitively saying "no thanks". He just won't back off.
So I step in and scream over the loud music, "Yo! Get off my girlfriend!" getting in his face trying the best to be intimidating while being 5"8 and he is 6"1.
He slowing backs up and says "Woah woah woah sorry man, dont have to get in my face!"
"Then get out of hers!" I yell back at him.
Even tho Lily and I aren't dating it was the only thing that would get him off her.
I apologized to Lily cause I said we were dating when we weren't.
"No no no thank you... he just wouldn't get off me." She said while grabbing her arm talking just loud enough for me to hear over the music.
End of flashback
Back at the Steak-n-Shake
After paying our bill, we leave the place and went to the bowling ally.
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We play a few rounds. She won the first one. I won the second one.
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We walk to the "bar" to order some mozzarella sticks and sodas. While we are waiting for the food, we play in the arcade. The place has one of these photo booth things. We pay for a session making silly faces. We get two strips of the photos. This is going on my wall for sure.
We finally get our mozzarella sticks and we sit down at our table to finish them.
After we finish up our mozzarella sticks. We head back home to call it a night.
I drop her off in front of her house.
When I got home, I immediately lay down on my bed and took a deep breathe thinking about the situation at Steak-n-Shake.
I'm glad I can get my point across that no one. no one will hurt my Lily.
___________________________________ I don't have much to say this time...