14- The Beginning

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I look around and see the back door open. Ian got so far in a few seconds. I walk out the door. I feel my feel sink into the sand. It's so peaceful being right up against the ocean.

I look up and see Ian sitting on a blanket up ahead. I laugh and make my way to him.

Once I walk up, he smiles. His cute smile but he looks nervous. I can see it in his eyes. But I brush it off.

"Here. You can sit right here." He pushes the basket over to make room.

"Okay..." I smile and take a seat. I look out into the waves. Realizing the beauty of the moonlight hitting the water. The calming sound of the waves hitting the sand. The salty smell engulfing you in a state of relaxation.

Just admiring the view I forget about Ian. I look over to my right to see what he was doing and he was already looking at me. I blush slightly from the sudden eye contact.

"W-what are you looking at?" I tried to say quickly to break the silence.

"you..." he says as if its nothing, looking out to the water.

I look at him. Why am I seeing him differently now? He is gorgeous with the moonlight hitting him perfectly. But there has to be a reason he decided to do this random 'picnic'.

"Why did you bring me out here?" I say in an attempt to start some sort of conversation.

He looks down at his lap. "I need to tell you something." he pauses, "but I don't know how to tell you." I smile and but my hand on his shoulder making him look at me.

"You can tell me anything. You know that." He smiles and sits up a little bit, fixing his posture.

"I know, I could never keep something from you. You know that very well." He laughs, making me laugh cause it's true. He is terrible at keeping secrets. "Yes, I know" I say lightly hitting his arm.

"Okay this is going to be a lot and I can understand where you are coming from if you don't understand me I just have never felt this way before-" I stop him by saying.

"Ian... it's ok. Just tell me."

He looks up at me.

He takes a deep breathe.

"I've grown feelings for you..." I widen my eyes.

I wasn't ready for that. Yeah, he had been acting weird but I didn't think that was the reason.

Ian's POV-

I cant believe I just said that.

She froze. Oh great! I freaked her out. I start mumbling, "I should have known to say nothing. Now I have messed everything up. I cant lose you. I don't know why I did that-"

I was cut off by her hugging me.

I hear a soft, "Shut up"

I stop talking and just hug her. Enjoying it as long as I can, afraid I might lose her.

"I'm so glad you said it. Or I would've gone crazy." She says into my neck.

I pull her away looking her in the eyes, "hold on! You like me too?"

"Maybe not as strongly but I've been feeling different around you so kinda?" she says grabbing my hand, messing with it trying to avoid eye contact.

I lift up her chin with my finger, looking into her perfect almond eyes. Smiling, I cup her face with my hands. "I'll make you fall in love with me"

"How will you do that?" She smiles.

"You will see... starting tomorrow. I'll have you begging to date me." I say with all confidence.

"Oh, is that a challenge?" She says with a smile on her face.

I just smirk and stand up. I pick her up throwing her over my shoulder.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING PUT ME DOWN!!" She screams kicking and punching my back.

"If you keep screaming you'll make it worse." I say calmly walking to the house.

"What about our stuff?" she says sassily giving up on getting out of my grip.

"We don't need that anymore" I say walking to our room.

Once I get into the room a lay her down gently on the bed.

"I could have walked myself!" She says crossing her arms and pouting.


"Oh really? Looked like you were to busy looking into my dreamy eyes to worry about walking" I say only to make her mad.

"WHAT! I was not!" She blushes and gets under the covers having her back face me.

I get under the covers and scoot behind her and put my arm around her waist. Leaving no space in between us. I whisper a quiet "I know".

She doesn't move but she slowly relaxes. The comfortable position putting both of us to sleep.

I really like this chapter.... it is really my style so I hope y'all like it

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