9- The Plan

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After texting Lily our plan, I later explained that my aunt, Carie, has a house down in Rhode Island

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After texting Lily our plan, I later explained that my aunt, Carie, has a house down in Rhode Island. Carie and her husband rent out the house in Rhode Island cause that's where they 'fell in love'.

So I talked to her last night asking about if I could stay there for free cause the food and trip there will be a lot of money. She said yes, obviously.

The ride from New Hampshire to Rhode Island is only around 3-4 hours.

I weirdly have this need to travel until physically can't anymore. I nonstop talk about it. And my parents understand my "need."

They decided to give me $200. 100 for gas, and 100 for food for the first few days. Anything extra I have to pay for myself.



- Thursday after school -

"Ok so I have everything..? Right? Clothes, chargers, camera, what else? ... who am I talking to? ....No one." I am kinda freaking out cause I don't wanna forget anything. I feel like I am though? OH! I forgot about the blanket and basket!! Um I'll go to Walmart to grab some for cheap.

When I get inside the Walmart, I head to the blankets. I see there is one for $10 it's a navy and white plaid. That's perfect. I start heading towards the baskets but I get stopped by someone saying my name.

"Oh my god is that you Ian?!" the voice behind me said.

I turn around to the sound.

"Wha- Oh hey Cassie! I haven't seen you in like... what is it? Four years?!" I said thinking about how many years it's been.

"I know it's crazy how long ago that was... when we used to be super close... it feels like yesterday" Cassie said and lightly laughed.

It hasn't felt like a day. I've had the best three years since our "relationship". What relationship in 8th grade is truly real? But she thought it was funny to break up with me through text, "cause it was a dare" was what she said. I was hurt especially beacuse it was before the first day of freshman year. She didn't think it was right for us to do long distance cause she was going to a different school. That's really why I was out walking around at that time the first day of freshman year. I was just confused...stressed, and scared cause everyone now knew me as Cassie's ex. But Seeing Lillian there that night made me forget about all of that. I haven't thought about it since.

"Mhm but I've had the best three years after that. I don't know about you but I met someone who actually give me motivation to get up in the morning. Someone who I give my all to. Someone I would never hurt. Unlike someone I know." I say while walking away. Leaving her stunned.

I walk straight to the basket isle and get the best looking one. I thought about getting one of my bandannas and tying at the top to give it "flare".

I check out in one of the self checkouts. I drove home. And put everything together into a big pile.
I sent Lily a Snapchat of how much I'm packing.

I got one back after a few minutes

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I got one back after a few minutes

Oh I have to tell Lily to make a playlist cause she has way better music taste than me

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Oh I have to tell Lily to make a playlist cause she has way better music taste than me.

I laugh cause she always gets so competitive about things

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I laugh cause she always gets so competitive about things.

I hurry up and finish packing then putting everything into a suitcase. I hope I got everything cause I want everything to be perfect...

He's cute cause he tries so hard hahaha....

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