much needed discussion.

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I stepped back when the screeching redhead lurched out of the water and came flying toward me, in a flash Loki's back obscured my view and his voice darkened to her even though I couldn't really see the two's expressions.

"I suggest you pick yourself up and leave this instant. Before I order every guard in Asgard to lock both you and your entire family away in the dungeons for all of eternity." 

It was silent for a moment before she stepped away from him and scampered out of the large greenhouse we were standing in. My hands were trembling as I fisted the cloth material that slid down my legs and pooled at my feet.

"Loki. Really that was childish of me, Im...sorry" my voice was a bit shaky as I looked down feeling small for such an act, who was I to come in and push people around like that? I dont even know the girl and It felt weird to stick my nose in other people's business.

I heard him turn before he let out a soft chuckle "you scold yourself far more than I do sweetheart if anything you deserve an applause for such a great show" 

My brows creased as I looked up at him in confusion so he elaborated "I would have pushed her in myself had the idea crossed my mind quick enough and had I not been such a gentleman I couldn't risk tarnishing my reputation further here" my lip tugged up.

"so you were going to do it before I was?"

"All things aside, well, yes"

I let out a giggle and covered my hand over my mouth when he stepped forward and lightly took it from near my face and brought it to his lips. I stopped laughing and felt like a furnace when he applied a chat kiss to my knuckles.

"I appreciate what you did for me Sparrow, really I do"

I gulped "it-it was nothing really, um but-" He let my hand slip from his as I stumbled over my words "-I heard a lot and I shouldn't have I think a lot of what you guys were saying was very private-"

"if you'd allow me to I'd like to explain" I blinked up at him in surprise, He wanted to tell me more about it? 

I inhaled carefully and nodded, "Sure"


I and Loki spoke for hours, we walked the entire length of the massive garden room glancing at the multitude of colorful flowers while he explained. He told me that before all of the things that happened on earth he was caged in an arranged marriage set by his father.

Who figured that it would be best if Loki had a partner to ease his growing hatred for Odin. Of course, that partner ended up being a terrible match for him as she used him like a rubber band, pulling him forward with affection before snapping him away and pretending he didn't exist stretching his every limit of love.

It's what made him lose sight of the good things and contributed to the need to rule over people as she did with him. She cheated on him with countless men, hearing him explain and his voice crack made me want to punch a wall. Which, mind you, I've never wanted to do before.

One day he walked in on Thor and Sigyn getting it on in his own room. It stunned him entirely because she put up this perception of loving him for so long. 

He didn't hesitate to call off the wedding entirely and ignored how angry Sigyn's father was about the ordeal because he didn't target his vexation toward his daughter but to Loki.

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