I don't trust you

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Jonathan: Angelica? Are you feeling good?                                                                                                                Me: Huh? Oh yeah ,I..I just have a lot on my mind sorry..                                                                                      Jonathan : It is fine,I know why you feel like this !                                                                                                   Me: You do???(as I said that my stomach turned upside down frightened of the answer he might give me. If he knows what I did to him he might kill me .)

Jonathan: I felt the same way when I left my home to go here. You must have heard that I come from a dark home. It is still hard after a decade , and even if my brother hates me and we fight this war because  he thinks I don't belong here I still miss him and my family that I can never see again unless one of us wins the war or dies. It must be hard to not having your family besides you no matter what they did .

Me: (my heart has dropped at him saying that,and even if I was relived that he still has no clue of what I did to him ,I still had a bad feeling about him. It was the same feeling like the one I felt when some lady from a small shop back in my city said that the ring she sold me was made from real gold .He is lying to me ...He knows something.We cannot leave now. I have to know the truth!) Oh ..It is really hard to even think about my past life.When I first met Zambovia and Daniel I really thought I finally found my family. Like I found where I belong (and  for a long time I honestly did feel like that) so when ever I think of my family and feel bad or sad I just talk to them and feel much better.

Jonathan: I am glad you have someone like them to be your friends. If we are being honest when I first met Zambovia I felt like I knew her.She is an extraordinary woman and I knew somehow I could always trust her. And I did..that is why she was my general. I never saw anyone fight the way she did. She is very cleaver ,but one day it all started to go down for her. I thought it had something to do with me ,but few hundred years later I found out it was all because of Daniel. And at first I hated the guy but now I see why she likes him.

Me:(The same feeling again..he keeps lying to me but I don't know ..for a second he wasn't lying I felt something different ..like sadness ..) I didn't know that..I mean they don't talk to me that much about their previous life.

Jonathan: OH I see sorry..I shouldn't have said anything..

Me:NO! It is actually really nice for a change that someone is telling me the truth. I know sometimes it is hard to trust strangers ,but I somehow trust you.And  I am glad you feel safe enough to share that with me.(you lying son of a b*** ,it makes me sick to even talk to you,but I have to know)

Jonathan:I know it might be hard for you to process everything ,so if you ever need someone to talk to ..I am here for you!

Me: Thank you ! (I have to go away ,or I might puke all over his face)Well I have to go know... My friends are waiting for me.

Jonathan: It was nice to talk to you ! Enjoy!

Me: Likewise ,goodbye!


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