Jack is mine..

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Jack: I couldn't handle this any more..this distance between us

Me: Neither  can I ..

Jack: I am so sorry for everything I have told you..I really didn't mean it

Me: I am sorry too, you were caught up in my crazy world and I didn't behave my best..I was angry and I always  lashed out on you since the first day we met...and

Jack: As much as I love your voice I need you to shut up for a second ..because if I don't tell you this now I won't have courage ever again..

Me: *smiles nervously* Sorry..

Jack: Since the fist day I saw you I was blown away with your beauty..I tried to forget about you so many times..but I couldn't. Something just pulled me towards you..A magic I can't explain..I even thought you putted a love spell on me..but I cleansed my self and still felt the same. I can't get you out of my head Angelica..I know you must think I am lying..I just have to tell you that I am in love with you. Into your smile..into your * smiles* angry temper thet never wins over your pure heart..Your humble nature  and goodness. Your confusion and determination. Most of all I love the way you look at me when I do or say something stupid..and if you want me away after I tell you this ..I will go and never come back..I will spend my life in misery and sadness ..for I will never find someone like you..

Me: *smiles so lovely..my eyes sparkled like the stars on a bright summer nights* You asshat..I hated you when we first met..I wanted you gone..yet I couldn't move my eyes away from that beautiful face..I couldn't fall asleep without first thinking about you..You were the first and last think I thought in my day.. I imagined your lips brushing on mine when ever I was sad..or happy. I wondered why would a guy like you ever talk to me ..I thought you must have hated me..be annoyed with me ..But Jack you never knew just how much I wanted you..How much I love you..and I know this might not be our choice but I disagree with that...I don't love you because some stupid prophecy told me too..I love you because you were the first person who showed me the glimpse of the truth..You went to lengths for me not even my closest friends would. You saved me from my self..I do want you..I need you..I love you..

He pulled me close to him. Both arms wrapped around my neck .He gently stroke my cheek removing a piece of my black long hair. And then he did something I thought he would never. He kissed me ..and the best part is that I kissed him too. I wanted that moment to last forever..I know it wouldn't ..but a girl could wish...

Soon everything disappeared and only thing I saw was him hugging me like I was fragile..Like he could with one finger brake every piece of me..a moment turned into a minute and then I realised..

Me: Jack I am yours ...forever

Jack: And I am yours ...as long as I live..and even in death my soul belongs to you..

Me: When the moon rises and stars cover the sky find me by this same tree I will be yours..from now to eternity,but now I need to go to my parents and I need to tell you my plan

Jack: I will be there and I can't wait * he kissed me once more and then we left*


Me: Hey..we are here..

Daniel: It took you long enough..what did you do back there..

Zambovia: * smiles like she knows* DAN! Let the children to breathe ....they catch up..a lot of explanation...* she winked at me*

Me: Hey! Can't you just enjoy just a second of piece between us * Laugh*

Jack: Dad I am sorry..*smiles like he knew I would react*

Me:*narrow eyes , weird smile*(I know what you are doing) YEa.. Sorry dad! *laughs even harder*

Daniel: *confused , but happy* ARE YOU TWO MESSING WITH ME? Because that isn't nice *smiles*

Me: Hahahaa.. sorry I won't do it again daddy..

Jack: Hey don't say to me tell that to your father..

Me:HEY ! * I hit him a little bit harder then I tought* STOP THAT ASSHAT

Jack: Why do you keep calling me asshat..?

Me: Maybe because you are one...asshat * I stuck out my tounge as a way to show him that I was mocking him*

Me: GUYS! I need to tell you all something so please listen..

Zambovia,Daniel,Jack: *they all sat down around the fire Daniel lit up while Jack and I were talking* We are listening..

Me: So i have an idea..but like always I would need you to do it with me.

You see if Jonathan is the bad one ..he needs to be destroyed and I know how...

Zambovia: And how do you plan to do that?

Me: * raises my sword* With this..

Zambovia: With the shifters sword..?

Me: If what fake Daniel said was true..Jonathan is a shifter..He was the dark angel..he went to the good ones and pretended he was good for milleniums now..If that is not a shapeshifter I don't know what is..

Daniel: I mean that could work..but Jonathan now knows you are a gray angel so he will try to kill you. If you want to go trough him ..you will need an army..and you don't have one

Me: Actually I have one..

Jack: Are you thinking what I am thinking..?

Me: * smiles confidently * So this is the plan....

Scene 3.

The night has fallen and I  couldn't be more nervous about this.. Tonight I will be his and he will be mine..

Jack: The stars can't even compare to your beauty..

Me: *blushing* And even the moon is jealous of your shine..

He pulled himself closer towards him as he was wispering sweet nothingness into my ears...

Our lips were dancing on eachother,and as he was kissing my neck ..he slowly removed my shirt ..as I removed one on him. It didn't take long till both of us were skin on skin without even thinking about anything other then the warmth of our bodies. I was not expecting such a rush ..and I loved every single moment . The grass tickeling me while he was slowly overcomeing my body..I wanted him to be my first..and he was..I know him now from inside out as he knew  me.. NO one will be like him..Only he is in my heart..Only he can have my body. 

As the silence was interupted with the sound of moaning we became one.. I felt so strong and so fragile in his touch ..Nothing could compare..He was mine..Jack was mine...

One night became every night for a week and I never felt better..He stole my soul..my heart and he knew it. When he wasn't kissing me ..we were with them..preparing for the battle..But I was not week because of my lover..no I was stronger. NOTHING could defeat me exept his tuch..his hands on my hips..and his lips on my lips..his everything in my everything..I love him..now and forever.

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