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The hole we went into was deep ,dark and perfect. No one would look here. Perhaps their previous life helped us to find this place ,because I saw nostalgia on their face when we went into it. I didn't tell them about the dream I had, or the fact I can smell and sense emotions .Only power they know I have is mind control and alter dimension changes.I saw determination on their faces and they on mine,so we went all in.

I could never even imagine what skills they both have. This is all so new to me, but I absorbed their knowledge like it was the last thing I had to do. We trained together every day for two hours ,but I went there alone every night to explore my abilities alone. My body was aching, but it was all so worth it. I never felt stronger. I've learned to fight ,to escape chains and all so much. And my plan was working ,because we stayed at Jonathan's place for two months and I found out so much more,learned things I never thought I would. 

As for my powers I found some new cool things I can do. I can't even believe  this is all happening. Just few months ago I was finally a happy kid,without and powers,without any drama,no abilities and now look at me.I can alter thoughts ,dimensions,space,and some powers I am not ready to tell you jet about. Some of them..,most of them..,all of them scare me. NO one should have them.

More we practiced ,the more I found out about them. And more we get closer together I feel more apart from them. I don't belong with them. I don't deserve their stupid love I smell every time  they look at me. Oh and how they loved to look at me. Perhaps they thought I don't see them,which I didn't ,but I felt it. The more they opened up to me ,the more I felt lonely and distant ,because I couldn't tell them what is happening to me.

*My dreams are getting worse.Every night the same dream.. I fly ,admire my wings,someone chases me ,I see the white hand and the sword ,and puff I wake up.I couldn't stand it anymore,and I couldn't keep avoiding sleep,because it was more than needed.So I decided to do something. I went to the cave/hole we practiced and I tried to use one of my powers. I tried the one I loved the most,and I usually used it to travel in my mind to the beautiful places I always wanted to go, but tonight I will try to enter the alter dimension I go while I sleep. I need to see it better. So I sat on the ground and chained myself to a wall so I wouldn't go anywhere while I am in there. I relaxed my body and mind and tried to picture the dream like I was already there. Just like I thought it worked . I was there the same thing happened like in the dream ,but I could feel it much clearer. It was like I was there ,but only to watch it from the side,like a movie.But all of my senses didn't left me, I could finally tell some details that I couldn't in my dream. And that is when  I felt it ,just when "I(the dream version)" heard those who were chasing  me when I saw  it so vividly I know who they are...Daniel ,Zambovia and JACK? but they weren't chasing me..No they were chasing Jonathan...Jonathan was trying to kill me..

The same pressure hit me and I snapped from the dimension walk ,but it was too late ,my wings were out ,just like the one in my dreams. It was all so wired ,and than I saw him standing in the corner of the cave. I froze ...My wings were bigger then me ,I looked so small compared to them ,and he was right there standing ,looking me with his eyes wide open. 

Now we were both standing looking into each others  eyes ,both terrified of what the other person will do..


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