San Diego

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We have finally arrived to the San Diego. It is a beautiful city . I used to always want to go here when I was a kid,but my parents never allowed. They used to tell me that.. if I ever wanted to leave the city I lived in.. bad things would happen. My mother had this ..tale she would tell me.. every night before I went to sleep. I loved it so much, maybe because I always thought she was telling the way they found me ... It was about this young girl, a baby... When she was born her parents were overwhelmed with joy ,but a bad ,bad man wanted that little girl dead, for a reason not to be spoken of. So the man and the woman had to give up their most precious until they found another way to make her safe. They gathered all  strength that they had and they gave the girl to two people they trusted more than anyone. Those people guarded and raised her as they were her real parents,in some way they were. But even they knew the two of them  will one day have to give up their little daughter , because her destiny is much bigger than sadness both parents had. So one day she could save the world.... But it could never be about me. I wasn't that important. I thought about it. I loved the way they spoke of such kindness,such love. Something I never felt. It is sad how my life comes down to pain and misery every time it gets better.

(I never knew why mom cried at the end every single time.) I loved the story and it flashed in my head as soon as we arrived.But.....wait? It can not be! Was the story actually about me? .... Two parents Zambovia and Daniel and mom and dad...They had to give me up...But Zambovia told me she didn't know my parents wouldn't be the first time the bi*ch lied to me. THAT WOULD MEAN ...that would mean they knew them all along. Both of my parents lied to me. WOAH! That took me like a year to figure out. I hate this time difference it is so confusing. I never know if a month, a day or a year has passed. It all feels the same. So what do I do now? Find Elanor? Get angry with Zamboiva and Daniel even more? Question them? Well I guess everything above. I know that if I ask them directly they will just lie. What if I make them do it? With my powers? NO! It will just complicate things even more. Let's just find Elanor and then worry about everything else...

Z: Hey A? 

Me: Yes?

Z: What did you exactly see in the dream? I know San Diego really well ,maybe I could find her..

Me: Oh really.. I have always wanted to go to here,but my parents never allowed.They told me it was dangerous.

Z: Actually,this is the safest place that I have ever been to..

Me: So now my parents...real parents..lied too?

Z: ( I could see the sadness in her eyes, my words really do hurt her,or maybe I just got soft) Sometimes people must lie to protect their loved ones. Every thing in my life after I found out I was pregnant has changed. I was in danger every second,but it was all worth it. It was all for you. They were only trying to protect you ,and we will forever be in their debts for they have done what we never could . But you need to snap out of this already A! I love you,but you are being unreasonable. Many things might have been worse. You could have been dead right now if some of us didn't lie.

Me: Your words mean nothing to me! Everyone  who hurts me, says the same thing. How can lies and manipulation ever be in my favor. You,Daniel,Jack and now apparently my parents, have just tried to use me and lie to me, and then tired to gain my forgiveness and trust with nothing to prove their well being. At least Jack told me he lied because of a good excuse. And I hate to  trust a person whom I don't know, then to trust people I used to thought are worth  giving  my life for. If you think I am that easy to love and forgive then you truly don't know me. 

Z: And you think I don't know that. You think I haven't cut down a piece of me every time  I had to lie to you. You know what..I am done! I am done behaving like you are my friend.

Me: So you admit you were pretending to be my friend this whole time?

Z: YES! Because you are not my friend. You are not a girl that I happen to know. YOU! You are my DAUGHTER! You are the child of my dreams. You are the girl who managed to steel my heart without even knowing it. You are not just my friend. You are my daughter,my everything and from now on I will behave as your mother no matter what you want.

Me: No! No you will not, because if you do someone might find out and kill me, and you want that?

Z: No! I don't want that, but I will fight  and you will see what I was talking about, and hopefully understand that we were doing what is best for you. You keep telling us you have gown up and that you can handle yourself. So show us. When everyone comes down to kill you. When hell gets loose you will fight. You wanted war then have it. If you want a mother I am here for you,but don't you EVER speak to me like you are so above me, because you are not. And I love you! Both of us do. We waited for so long to find you, we can manage to wait a little or a lot while longer until you realise that family means more then anger. We will wait for you to love us the way we love you.


Daniel: But we were with you! This whole time... Weren't we? We stood by you when no ine wanted. We found you! We loved you, and we still do. The love we felt hasn't changed it just evolved. If you really hate us , then you felt that before, because love is absolute and it always stays with you even if it is just a memory..

Me: Do as you please, but I am not going to stay with you no longer. You promised to tell me the truth and the lies are the only things I hear. I will not love you, I will not forgive nor forget what you did,ever. So this is where our paths depart. Do not follow me, because I will not hesitate to use my powers to erase myself from your memory . I need you to remember what you did, because when I take revenge I need you to suffer. And Jack! You are coming with me !
Elanor needs to be found now, and I know how...

Jack: Deal, pretty face !

Z,D: You can not do that !

Me: Watch me! ( I left , they didn't follow... Elanor needs my help, I need to find her, Jack can be helpful, and he is cute..)

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