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I ran away. Never have I ran so fast in my life. It felt like flying or floating. In the matter of seconds I have realized that I WAS actually above the ground. I felt huge amount of pressure on my back. It felt like something is growing so fast. My wings ...I HAVE WINGS ... Oh my God they are beautiful. They are so big ,and every feather was unique and stunning. The color gray was reflecting on the moonlight I was so close to now. Every shade of it went perfect with my black hair and pale white skin. I love them.

It was like a dream. I was flying so high above the clouds were I felt safe and I could finally think straight. All of my emotions are now becoming just one.. I am finally free.

Just as I was flying around like it was my millionth time , I heard something. It sounded fast and it was approaching me. That freedom and calmness are gone now...Someone is here with me.

I started flying so fast. I needed to go the hell away from here ,but I was to late. They are here. 

A hand paler than me grabbed my wrist but I can't see his face .Than in a split second a sword flew above my head ready to remove it from my shoulders and ...

*breathing so heavily * FEW! That was just a dream...just a dream.

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